Wrist Drawings

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The girls parked and then walked into the arena where the show was going to be held tomorrow. Some wrestlers were there, but the girls were early. They walked to the back row and sat down.
"I wonder who our match is going to be against," Trish whispered to Lita because the room was quiet.
"I don't know," Lit whispered back. The room stared filling with wrestlers. They hen saw Matt and Jeff walk in.
"Pretend like you don't see them," Trish whispered to Lita. Lita nodded. They pretended to talk to each other.
"Mind if we sit here?" They asked.
"Not at all," Trish said scooting over for Matt to sit next to her. Jeff sat on Lita's right side.
"I see you girls have made up now," Jeff said to Lita.
"We have. Those are just normal fights. Not a big deal." Lita answered.
"I'm surprised that you girls aren't dead since you call those your normal fights," Lita giggled. She heard Matt and Trish talking, but didn't know what they were taking about.
"May I have your attention everyone!" Vince was in the front. The room got silent.
"Thank you. I hope you had a nice safe trip to San Diego, California. We will not be leaving until Wednesday morning. I am being nice to you and I'm giving you guys Tuesday to relax here. There will be fans backstage tomorrow, so be ready to sign autographs. Let's move onto the matches. Starting with tag team matches." Vince flipped through some papers.
"First we have a divas match. Maria and Candice vs The Fury Chicks. This will be for the tag team belts." The girls nodded.
"Then we have Stone Cold and the Hardy Boyz vs Test and Albert and Edge." They all nodded.
"Can't wait to kick some ass!" Austin yelled out. The room filled with laughter. Then it got silent again.
"Singles matches!" Vince called out. None of them were in this, so Jeff not Lita payed attention. Jeff noticed a pen on the floor. He picked it up. He grabbed Lita's wrist. Lita looked over. He drew a tic-tac-toe board. He put a heart in the middle. He handed the pen over to Lita. She put and X on the top right. He put another heart underneath where she put it. He was about to win. She put an X on the left side next to the middle. He put a heart on the bottom right corner. She put an X on the top left. He put a heart on top of the middle. She put an X on the bottom left. She drew a line straight down.
"I win," She smiled and whispered. He smiled back. He grabbed the pen from her hand. He started to write something on her other wrist. She couldn't see what it was. A minute later she showed her. It said 'Queen'. She smiled and grabbed his wrist. She started to write something on it. It didn't take long for her to finish. It said 'King'. This put a smile on his face. Lita saw that everyone was leaving. Both her and Jeff got up. They followed Matt and Trish. They walked out of the arena.
"Well, we will see you girls around," The boys said.
"Bye," They girls called and got in the car.
"What's up with you? You're so happy." Trish said as she buckled up. Lita buckled up and answered.
"Well look what Jeff wrote on my wrist." Lita picked up her hand and showed Trish her wrist.
"Aww! That's so cute. You guys could make such an adorable couple. I totally ship Jeff and Lita!" Trish said in excitement. The girls drove to the hotel.
"What do you want to do? We have a whole day ahead of us," Trish asked as she laid on her stomach in the bed.
"I'm not sure," Lita answered on the other bed.
"We could sleep. I'm tired." Lita suggested.
"Okay, but it will be a quick nap," The girls agreed.
Trish woke up. She looked over and Lita was still asleep. She looked out the window. Why was it so dark? She then looked at her phone. Her eyes widened as she saw the time. It was almost 4 in the afternoon. Trish grabbed a pillow and threw it at Lita.
"Wake up!" She said.
"It's already 6 in the damn afternoon!" Trish got up. Lita looked up and squinted.
"Why'd you throw a damn pillow at me? It could've knocked my brains out," Lita got up.
"What do you want to do now?" Lita asked.
"I love how you get up and don't even worry about the time," Trish put her shoes on.
"What do you want to do?" Lita repeated.
"I don't know," Trish got up and sat next to Lita who had sat back down.
"Want to go to that beach?" Trish pointed out the window.
"Sure, I mean I didn't pack any bathing suits. It's alright though I can go in naked," Lita said sarcastically.
"Well let's go buy some," Trish got up and grabbed some money from her purse. Lita just grabbed her whole purse. They locked the door. As they walked out, they almost bumped into the boys.
"Sorry," Lita said since she was in front.
"We should've watched where we were going." Replied Jeff.
"Where you girls headed to?" Asked Matt. Lita stepped on Trish's foot so she would reply.
"We're going to the beach, but since we didn't bring bathing suits we're going to buy some." Trish said quickly.
"Cool, that's actually where we were headed." The girls looked over and saw they were in trunks. They had towels over their shoulders and were carrying a bag.
"I guess we'll see you there then," Said Lita.
"I guess so," Replied Jeff. They then went their separate ways.
The girls were at their hotel room. They had bought some bikinis and were ready to go.
"I love how we're taking the hotel towels," Lita said and she put them in the bag.
"I don't want my towels to be full of sand. Plus, these are pretty," Trish grabbed the bag while Lita grabbed some drinks. They left the hotel.

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