He Finds You

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   Tony was doing something nobody thought he would do. He was out taking a walk today. He just decided that he needed a break from being Iron-Man and Tony Stark, all-around genius, billionaire, ex-playboy, philanthropist. But He could never get one moment of peace as he was now being bombarded by the paparazzi and fans. He just kept walking trying to ignore them all. Then out of nowhere a lady came in front of him and pushed a baby into his arms.

"What the heck-?" He said, he looked back and saw the lady walking away rapidly. She was wearing a black hoodie that was pretty worn out. "Hey lady! This is not mine, please take it back!" He yelled to her as he wove in and out of the crowd of fans and paparazzi, toward her. He was getting easily frustrated, cause of the humongous crowd of fans and paparazzi blocking his way. "HEY CAN ALL OF YOU GET OUT OF THE WAY PLEASE!!" He practically yelled at them.

   Right away everyone moved apart like the red sea and let Tony through. He ran toward where he last saw the lady as he saw her veer into an alleyway. He ran into it, but, when he got there she was gone. He walked out.

"Guess you're mine now. What about (y/n)? You like that?" He asked looking down at the baby. The small minuscule creature looked up at him and gave him small toothless smile "Guess that is a yes!" He said and started to walk back to the base upstate. When he got there, he quickly closed the door hoping that no one followed him. He pressed his back toward the door and sighed 

"Hey Tony, where-" Steve said with a raspy voice, signaling that he had just woken up, as he walked out of the hallway that led toward the living quarters

"What?" Tony cut him off. Right at that exact moment everybody else came walking in.

"When did you adopt a kid?" Steve asked the tired billionaire. Every body then started asking him same and came walking toward him.

"My goodness! Give me a break please! I don't need another crowd of people bombarding me!" He said as he started for his room at the base with you in hand. When he got to the hallway he looked back at Steve. "Also Thanks So much Steve, really, you couldn't have been more subtle." He said sarcasm filled his voice.


  Steve was out for his morning jog with Sam and Bucky. Steve and Bucky were like almost a mile ahead of Sam and closing in on another mile, behind him. No surprise they were really fats, they were super soldiers for God's sake.

"Don't you two say it! DON'T SAY IT!" Sam exclaimed as he felt the presence of the two super soldiers behind him.

"On your left." Steve told him as he ran in front of him.

"On your right." Bucky said mockingly to Sam as he ran like there was a sale at his favorite store in the mall in front of Sam.

"God damn it! F you two!" Sam exclaimed angrily at the two as he picked up his pace, to try to even catch up to the two.

They stopped almost half an hour later. They picked up their water bottles and refreshed themselves. Bucky and Sam sitting below a tree while Steve was sitting on a bench next to them

"So what you two doin Saturday night? I heard there's this sweet movie playing at the cinema tonight. "Sam asked trying to start a conversation up.

"Well, I'm free so I guess I can go." Bucky replied as he took a sip of water. 

 "Well I guess I can-" Steve started before he was interrupted by a baby cry. "Did you guys hear that?"Steve asked his best friends who were currently almost asleep. The other two nodded as Buck sat up. Steve moved slowly toward where the sound was. It was coming from behind the tree where Sam and Buck were laying against. He then saw something he never thought he would've seen on a regular Sunday morning. A baby in a basket.

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