They meet your boyfriend - Clint

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This was a secret. If my dad ever knew he would go ballistic. Cause he hated Pietro's ass and would murder his speedster ass.

"Hey, princesa." Pietro told me in his sexy Sokovian accent as he entered my room and sat on my bed.

"Hey Piet." I said to him. I was on my bed playing Kingdom Hearts.

"Can I play?" He asked me.

"Sorry, its a one person player." We spent a few more hours laying on my bed.

"Hey, wanna go get some burgers and ice cream I got an amazing place to go to and guess what its called." He told me.

"Sure. Sounds fun, and Chuck E Cheese."

"Yeah and No. Lets go to Dave and Busters." He said excitedly.

"Ok, let me change."

"I'll go get changed too." He said and in the blink of an eye he was gone. I put on a black legging over a grey t shirt dress and I grabbed a fluffy interior jean jacket and finished it off with some white fila's. I grabbed my purse and walked outside to be met with Pietro waiting for me.

"What took you so long?!" He asked. He was wearing some blue jeans with a acdc graphic t-shirt and a leather jacket over it and some grey adidas.

"Hey! Where are you two going?" My dad asked as he walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Dave and Busters." Pietro said as he grabbed the keys to his motorcycle. Tony got him one so Pietro didn't have to keep borrowing his cars and keep coming at three in the morning and the car made into pieces. Pietro as you could tell was more used to running everywhere considering his powers, but Tony and Steve had made him drive a car around so they didn't have to keep waiting to use the cars. One time Steve had to go get groceries but he couldn't cause Pietro came at nine from a rave.

"Ok, but don't you dare and imagine and get all handsy with my daughter.

"But she has to grab my abs to keep on the motorcycle, old man. Bye!" He said as he opened the door for me and we both walked out.

"Bye dad." I told him as I closed the door behind me and I ran toward the garage. Pietro already there. I quickly got to Pietro's motorcycle. It was a custom blue and grey Harley Davidson Tony had gotten him for christmas and was faster than any other. You hopped on it and grabbed to Pietro's stomach.

"Come on Speedy Gonzalez."

"First, safety helmets." He said as he gave me one. I put it on as soon as I did Pietro took off. He punched in the code to get out of the garage and we then took off for the dave and busters. Once we got there we walked in and went over to recharge Pietro's card cause he was here 24/7 literally. Then we walked into the arcade area.

  Pietro won almost every arcade game. He won the Kung Fu panda one, but he cheated with his speed. He won also Speed of light. I won Candy Crush and the ghost busters one. After we played we walked over to the bar area.

"Hello what can I get ya'll." A waiter walked over and asked us.

"I'll have the triple bacon burger and the lady will have... what do you want?" He quickly asked me.

"Some Chicken and Waffle sliders."

"Some chicken and waffle sliders for her por favor." He said.

"And to drink?"

"I'll get a Red Bull."

"And I'll have a diet coke."

"I'll be back." The waiter walked away.

"Yoo... We should get some churros after!" And there's this snow globe drink that looks amazing!" Pietro said like a kid in a candy store.

"Aren't you here twenty-four seven?"

"Yeah, at the arcade not the bar!"

"But we can get some of those."

"And I'll also grab you a bigass teddy bear after, my princesa." He said as he leaned over the table a kissed me. I kissed back. But we pulled apart after 5 seconds.

After some minutes passed, our food and drinks came and we digged in. Pietro then cashed in all of his tickets and points to get me a bigass panda. We also ended up getting some glowkone drinks which we didn't know had some whisky.

We ended up having Pietro run the panda home and then run back to Dave and Busters and drive me home.

When we walked back into all laughs and giggles and Pietro accidentally leaning in and kissing me and I didn't pull back. What we didn't know was that my dad was watching.

"WHAT THE F*CK IS HAPPENING!" He yelled at the top of his lungs waking up everyone else from their deep sleeps. It was 10 in the night.

"Oh, hello Mr Barton." Pietro said as he pulled me close. Everyone walked out of their clothes rubbing their eyes and half asleep in their pj's.

"What the heck Clint!?" Wanda asked as she walked out of the hallway.

"These two were f**king!" Clint exclaimed.

"Who was f*king!" Tony said as he ran out.

"We were not having sex." I'll admit we were a little tipsy.

"We were kissing!" Pietro said matter of factly.

"Oh son." Steve said as he put a hand to his eyes disappointedly.

"Just get off my daughter." Clint said as he started to make a beeline toward us. Pietro grabbed me and ran toward my room.

"Too slow, old man!" Pietro yelled as he locked the door. We both then took a bath and laid on the bed in our pajama's watching Lilo and Stitch on netflix. My phone started to ring.

"Whats up bishes." I answered.

"Hey its your father not your bishes."

"Oh well hello daddy."

"What?" Pietro asked as he turned over.

"Not you dumbass." I shoved Pietro playfully. "Now what happened." I asked him.

"You are a dead son of a bish, now I tell you!"

"Byeee." I quickly hung up and focused my attention on the tv.

"Shall I, Princesa." Pietro said suddenly as He turned off the movie.

"Shall I what?" He then kissed me and I didn't pull away. We continued kissing and doing other things for a good half hour and the. We both fell asleep cuddling next to each other. My head on Pietro's bare naked chest and his arm around me. Life is good.

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