He meets your Boyfriend- Peter Parker

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You were on bed texting with your boyfriend Corbyn. He was on vacation from his band, Why Don't We, and decided to come to Queens and hang out with you. You met him while on a month long trip you took to LA. He was honestly the sweetest guy ever.

"Hey, who are you texting with?" Peter appeared in your doorway. You two had the apartment all to yourselves cause Aunt May was on a business trip.

"Oh, Corbyn."

"Cor-who?" Peter asked

"Umm... funny story, I have a boyfriend."

"And you didn't even think to tell me. Does May know?"


"How does he look, does he treat you fine? Cause if not he is in for some trouble."

"He treats me like a queen."

"He better."

"He's also coming here today, and is in a boyband."

"Oh, he famous."

"I'm gonna go look him up." He said as he went to his room.

Your phone started ringing. You saw that Corbyn was calling to facetime with you. You answered and his smiling face popped up on the screen.

"Hi Bean."


"Where are you?"

"I'm at the airport, Jonah left me a few minutes ago and I just went through security and I'm heading to the gate and I'm tired." You giggled.

"Can't wait to see you."

"Same here."

"Your boyfriend is gorgeous!" Peter yelled from his room.

"Who was that?!" Corbyn said in between his cute giggles.

"Oh just my brother Peter, he's a goofball."

"Can't wait to meet him." Corbyn said as he sat down when he came to his gate. Just then Peter popped into your room.

"Who are you face-timing with?" He asked me.

"Corbyn." He walked over and popped up right next to me.

"Oh, Hello Peter." Corbyn told him and I could see how nervous he was to make a good impression with Pete.

"Hi Corbyn." I couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"Oh sh*t, I gotta go, I'm boarding now. Bye (y/n). Bye Peter." He said as he hung up.

"He looks and sounds nice." peter told me as he sat in my desk chair.

"He is." i responded.

"When did you meet him?"

"Oh, on our vacation with Tony to la."

"But I was there, and I never met him."

"Remember you left 2 weeks early. And I also sneaked out behind you guys one time and I went out with Corbyn in the middle of the night to McDonalds."



"Ok, I am gonna be in my room." He stood to go to his room.

"I'll be here. And also can we go pick up Corbyn from the airport, I want to surprise him."

"Um. Sure." He went to his room.

After a few hours of laying in bed and Binge watching shows. You put on a pair of ripped jeans and a black tube top with some black heeled boots you woke up Peter, to go surprise Corbyn at the airport. Pete put a white shirt and a brown bomber jacket he had lying around with some white vans. I grabbed my jean jacket and my black chained over the shoulder purse.

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