Your First Steps

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  Tony: Tony was busy multitasking by fixing a fuse on one of his Suits

and watching you at the same time. But he was giving no at attention

whatsoever and you wanted him to give you some attention.

  You decided to go show him the drawing that you had just finished, so

you tried to get up but you couldn't. You tried again and again and you

finally suceeded. You walked wobly over to him with your drawing in


"Hey, umm.. Friday can you check the suit for anything more I have to

  fix." Tony asked Friday

" Sure Sir" Friday replied.

Tony got up and turned around. He saw you.His face got full of


"Oh my God (y/n)! Did you get over here all by yourself!?" He said. You

smiled. "Oh I am so proud of you!!"

Steve: Your Dad was watching the football game and when the national

anthem blared through the tv of course he stood up he is Captain

America. You were in the dining room table playing with your barbies.

You carefully got down from the chair. You then got up and walked

  towards him and touched his leg.

"Wait, You walked all the way from there to here all by yourself (y/n)!"

Steve said. You nodded.Both of you watched the big game on the couch.

(A/N;: I am sorry if this one is boring i was up at 8:38 doing this one , I also don't like this one)

Natasha : Natasha was in the training room. But she was not training she was practicing her ballet. You were also

there. You were playing with one of your toys and boy were you hungry. You knew your mom brought you some snacks but

they were all the way on the other side of the room.

   You carefully tried to get up. It took like five tries for you to finally stand up. You took wobbly steps toward

your mom's bag where your cookies were. You finally made it there and carefully opened the bag and took your

chocolate chip cookies out.You turned around and saw your mom staring at you. You picked you up and spun you around.

  " I am so proud of you (y/n)!!" She said to you excitedly. She then stopped dancing and you two went out for Ice


Clint Barton: Your dad was out in his yard shooting targets and you just sat on a barrel of hay watching him do his

     thing. You really wanted to play. You were so bored of it an hour already passed by. You got off of the haystack

And walked wobbily toward your dad. You hit him on the ankle. He looked down at you.

"What do youuu..Wait a minute how did you get all the way from there to her? You couldn't have walked." He said

looking at you curiously. He then scooped you up and carried towards your house.

"I am SO proud of you for taking your first steps!" He whispered to you.

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