They Hurt You

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Steve: You were in your room doing your homework. Your dad was at Tony's

talking about stuff. You decided to go to sleep once you finished. You were sleeping in your room peacefully when your

dad woke you up with a bone-crushing hug.

"Hey, honey, I'm back!!" He said in a weird sing songy voice. Then you

felt and heard your rib cage break.You winced in pain as your dad hugged

you harder.

"Dad, Dad, Dad, Stop!! My hand its fractured!" You exclaimed.

He quickly looked at it and checked it out.

"I'm sorry doll... Its fractured alright." He said. He picked you up and

carried you to his motorcycle and got on with you, clutching tightly and

sped off.

"Where are we going!" You yelled over the sound of his motorcycle.

"To the base, see if Bruce can fix it up!" He responded. You then passed

out because of how bad it hurt and how fast the cycle was going.

You woke up on the couch of the base. You looked around. You saw your

dad, uncle Bucky and Uncle Sam, The Patriotic Trio, in the kitchen

talking. You could barely make it out.

"I really hope she is fine, she has been out for 2 hours." You heard

Buck say.

"Yeah, Didn't know it would hurt that much." Your dad exclaimed.

"I've been out for 2 HOURS." You exclaimed. They didn't hear you so you

just got a pillow and tgrew it at them. It hit Sam.

"What the F-" He said as they looked back. Your dad went to you.

"Honey, Thank goodness you woke up." He said. They all walked over to

you. They stayed with you and watched movies so your dad and Uncle Bucky

could catch up on some pop culture.

Tony: You were having a pretty good dream. You imagined you were on a

romantic date with (Y/Celeb crush), suddenly you two were kissing under

the rain, The Notebook style,. You felt someone touch you on your

shoulders. It brought you back to reality, instead of kissing (y/celeb

crush) you were kissing,furiously, your Kissy emoji pillow. You looked

up and saw your dad in one of his suits, or so you thought it was him.

"Dad, Its-" you looked at your glowing hologarphic alarm clock."- 2:14

a.m.! Go to sleep already!" You exclaimed and pulled on your covers.

He pulled off your covers toward the floor and picked you up.

"Nooo!!! Let me go Mark 46!DADD!!" You screamed for your dad. The suit

threw you at the floor. It gave you a broken rib. He tried to punch your

face but you moved it out before it could punch it.You used Aunt Nat's

training and moved your feet up and wrapped them around its neck and

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