Scott Lang Catch-Up

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Imagine that Cassie was never born

He finds you: Scott was on his way to Luis's apartment when he heard some faint crying. He stopped and looked around.

"Eh." He shrugged and kept walking thinking it was just a lady with a baby.

It came again. He looked around again and saw in an alleyway a lady with a pool of blood surrounding her with a bundle at her side and a crook teaching for the baby.

"Not on my watch mother-f**ker" he said and dropped his groceries he was carrying and ran toward the crook. He threw a punch at the guy. The guy stumbled backwards but steadied himself and then threw a powerful punch at Scott. It made Scott fly toward the wall of the alleyway.

"What a powerful punch guy. But-" He said and got up. "I can't let you get away. He said and then like magic an ant bit the guy and took him by surprise. Scott took the moment and punched the guy unconscious.

"That's what you get." He said and went toward the infant. He picked her up.
"Why would anyone be after you!" He said cooing at you.
"How about (y/n)!" He said. You nodded gleefully in agreement.

"(Y/n) it is!" He said and headed back towards Luis's house.

TimeSkip toward Luis's apartment:

Scott moves you to his one free arm and reached for his keychain with the keys to the apartment. He found them and looked for the apartment keys. Once he did he opened the door.

"AYO SCOTTY!" Exclaimed Luis.

"Hey Luis." He said sarcastically.

"So I-" he said but stopped when he saw the baby in Scott's arms.

"What you've never seen a baby before." He said with one arm in the air.

"No it's that I never thought you would come from work with a baby." He said.

"Oh, about that, I got fired again." He said.

"Walgreens always find's out" Luis said.

"Walgreens always finds out." Fave said from the couch watching Golden Girls reruns.

"Well, umm.. I need to go to the store to get some baby stuff. Umm... Kurt care to join." He said turning to Kurt.

"Sure." Kurt said shrugging. Then Scott,Kurt and you were off in Luis's van toward the store.

Your First Steps: You were at Hope and Hank's House with Scott who was showing you off.

"OMG, I can't believe a human being can be this cute!" She said cooing at you.

"She is indeed cute." Hank said from his armchair.

"Yeah, found her in an alleyway. Her mom was dead." He said. Hope who was beside Scott nudged and have him a look. "She deserves to know what happen.

You got off of the chair and sat on the floor. You wanted your milk.

"Woah, (y/n) be careful!" Your dad said. He stood you up and kept holding you. You got out of his hold and walked wobbly toward your book bag that Scott used to carry all your baby stuff.

"Wait (y)-" your dad started but then just sat there.

You then opened the book bag and rummaged through it until you found your Disney Princess baby milk bottle, but then got sad when you saw that it was empty.

"Oh- you wanted some milk let me get it ready for ya" He said and went toward the book bag and got the milk and the bottle from you.

"Um... Hank can I prepare the milk in the kitchen." He asked and pointed toward the hallway that led to the kitchen.

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