Mermaids Delivery

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There was a glimmer of reflected light on one of the porch posts, in a disk shape

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There was a glimmer of reflected light on one of the porch posts, in a disk shape. Most likely, that was a camera, placed to catch any intruders.

How unfortunate.

I can't go any further, otherwise, I might get spotted by it, which would make all my hard work bust into flames. So instead, I took aim and chucked the package as close to the porch as I could.

Thunk. It landed on the porch, making a dull noise, not too loud, although anyone who was not preoccupied would hear it. 

I celebrated with a small fist pump, a smile forming on my face. Not a fake one, like I had on so often, but one that slipped over my teeth and displayed just how I truly felt. If anyone had seen it, they would be terrified.

I suppose I celebrated too soon.

Just as I started to back away, a light came on.

I froze in place, the bush next to me pulling at my clothes.

It was on the second story,  probably a bedroom. And surely, after a few seconds, a face peered out.

I can't remember what it looked like, partially because the light behind it washed out all details, hiding it in the shadows.

And second, was because I was petrified with fear. 

Fear is a double-edged blade. It's wonderful to inflict, to see the results of your actions, but to feel it slice through you is sickening. 

After a few seconds, a few painful seconds that seemed to stretch on forever, the shadowy figure retreated. Through the gap they had left in the curtains, I could see them walking away, possibly to go investigate from outside.

So, I hunkered down, sticking to the shadows, and crept away.

My job was done for the night.

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