Chapter 5

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Jamie followed Lucy into the party. Since she was by herself he assumed Kevin hadn't managed to convince her to go with him, despite all his bragging to the contrary. However, as soon as they were through the door Kevin made a beeline for them.

'Hey Luce, you wanna drink?' he asked her eagerly.

Jamie frowned at him, silently imploring him to take it down a notch, he could see Lucy was a little perturbed by his attention. 

'Okay, could you go get it for me please,' Lucy said looking like she was attempting to swat away a fly. Kevin departed, keen to carry out her wishes. 'There's not many people here is there?'

Jamie scanned the room. 'It's still early. John's not here yet, let's hope it stays that way.' 

'I thought you guys were friends?'

Jamie laughed, and Kevin reappeared with Lucy's drink. 'Nah I just tolerate him cos my mom's best friends with Darlene.' He was never quite sure why his mom liked Darlene, she seemed a little dumb compared to Charlotte.

Lucy nodded sympathetically. 'It's not so bad for me, my parents kinda only know John's parents through uncle Louis.'

'Yeah, you're lucky.' Jamie couldn't help thinking it was ironic that the side of the family he preferred was Louis's side, and in a way, they weren't even family at all. However, since his mom had married Lou they'd treated him as one of their own. Sometimes he used to be disappointed when he'd have to spend the weekend with his dad knowing that his siblings would be spending the day with Louis's family.

Jamie looked at Lucy for a moment. 'What do you think about what John said about my mom?' 

Her response was instant. 'John's a jerk, he was just showing off for Laura.' Jamie agreed but it didn't necessarily mean John was lying. 'And he hasn't dumped Debbie, as far as she's concerned they're still an item.'

'That's her lookout,' Kevin said trying to join in the conversation. 'Do you wanna dance Lucy?' 

She pulled a face. 'To the Village People?'

Kevin grabbed her hand. 'Yeah, show me your moves.'

Lucy let herself be led away while Jamie went to dump his bag, and then get a drink. He stood alone in the kitchen contemplating his conversation with Louis, and with Lucy. He couldn't shift the feeling that both of them weren't telling him something. Still, he wouldn't find the truth out tonight, he should concentrate on enjoying himself. He grabbed a drink and made his way back to the living room; someone had turned the record player up and Donna Summer's 'Hot Stuff' was blasting out.

'Hey, my song,' a voice yelled over the noise and Jamie groaned. John Junior had announced his arrival. He strutted in dragging Laura behind him. Jamie caught her eye and she flushed, seemingly embarrassed to be with John.

'Someone get us some drinks,' John yelled and Scott scurried away while John made his way over to Lucy and Kevin.

'You finally got yourself a boyfriend Luce?'

Lucy rolled her eyes. 'You finally got two girlfriends Junior?'

John laughed, and smiled down at Laura. 'Ignore her, she's always had this crush on me-'

'I have not!' Lucy was indignant, and Jamie sidled over, amused to see how the exchange would go. Lucy flicked her hair over her shoulder, a sure sign that she was enraged.

John cocked his head to one side. 'Lucy we all know. This goes right back to kindergarten, I remember how you used to follow me around.'

Lucy scoffed. 'I used to follow Jamie's mom around, you'll be saying I had a crush on her next.' Charlotte had been their kindergarten teacher.

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