Chapter 29

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Jamie wasn't sure what he was thinking of going to John's house, except out of all of his friends John might sort of get it. He could well imagine what Laura would think of him reading his mom's diary but John wouldn't be so censorious. Kevin knew nothing of the situation, and Lucy was far too closely connected. It was only when he was knocking on the door that he questioned his wisdom in turning up. John's parents might not welcome him after he'd thumped their son.

'Jamie!' Darlene exclaimed her face betraying nothing. 'I wasn't expecting to see you.'

'Sorry Mrs Lombardo,' he said looking down.

'It's Darlene. Honestly you boys.' She laughed uproariously, quite the contrast to his mom. 'What on earth got into you?'

He shrugged. 'John didn't tell you?'

Darlene gave him a rueful look as she led him through to the living room. 'He said you took umbrage at how he treated Laura.'

Jamie smiled to himself, he couldn't see John saying 'umbrage' somehow. 'Nah, that was just my excuse to hit him. Well to hit someone. Although John was an ass to her.'

Darlene pursed her lips for a moment and then smiled again. 'Junior has a bit of growing up to do, he's too young to be settling down with anyone.' She paused, and John Junior entered the room looking startled to see Jamie sat there.

'What are you doing here? Come for round two.' He bumped his fists with Jamie, and Darlene rolled her eyes.

'No, I uh thought I should explain to your mom what happened, that it was my fault,' Jamie said although that had only crossed his mind when he was stood on their doorstep. Darlene tilted her head, and taking a deep breath Jamie told her everything. 

'Oh Jamie, you shouldn't have read Lottie's diary,' Darlene said sounding deeply disappointed. 

'I know,' Jamie said shame-faced. 'You knew all this stuff, didn't you?'

Darlene stood up and walked to the drinks cabinet pouring herself something out of one of the bottles. John's eyes narrowed, and Darlene gave him an impatient look.

'Don't you start,' she said before turning her attention back to Jamie. 'Yes, I knew about your father. I knew that was why Lottie left him.'

'Why didn't she tell me?' That was what he couldn't get his head around, it was almost like she'd been protecting Nick.

'She didn't want to hurt you,' Darlene said squeezing his hand. 'You were so little, and you didn't remember. What good would it have done?'

'I'd rather have known...all these years I've been spending time with dad...he's an animal. Why would she let me go to him?'

Darlene looked flummoxed. 'I'm not sure Jamie. I don't think she had much of a choice, your dad was entitled to access.'

Jamie scoffed. 'I don't think he would have cared. These days he cancels half the time, and before that, he used to palm me off on my grandparents.'

'They're your family too,' Darlene said softly. 'You had a right to know them.' Jamie shrugged his shoulders, his dad's parents were old and dull but he knew he'd sound like a brat if he expressed that opinion.

'So did mom's friends all know what he was doing to her?' he asked instead, almost seeking to apportion blame elsewhere. Darlene took another sip of her drink but before she could answer the front door slammed and John Senior came in. Darlene looked at her drink, her face guilty.

'Hi Johnny, we're in the living room,' she called brightly. John came in grumbling about work but he stopped when he saw Jamie.

'Jamie's just had a bit of disturbing news,' Darlene said quickly, her hands tight around her glass. 

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