Chapter 34

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'Get your hands off me, I'm your father,' Nick said as he struggled underneath Jamie's weight. Jamie was still smaller than Nick but his rage fueled him and he managed to get his hands around his dad's neck. He squeezed hard for a moment, not thinking.

'Jamie, no,' his mom yelled weakly tugging at his arm. Jamie looked into his father's eyes and he imagined squeezing the life out of him.

It would be so easy to do.

Nick flailed beneath him, his face turning red. Jamie knew he couldn't continue for much longer and yet his dad deserved no mercy. He briefly wondered how many times his mom had feared she would die when Nick's hands were on her. He tightened the pressure on his father's neck taking perverse pleasure in the panic that was in his eyes.

He was weak, struggling, probably on the receiving end of somebody else's brutality for the first time in his life.

He almost laughed but he reduced the pressure on his dad's throat before he did actually kill him. Not that it would be a great loss if he did.

'What the hell is going on in here?' 

Jamie jumped at the sound of Louis's voice, and in an instant, he felt arms pulling him away from Nick. He looked up at Louis's bewildered face, and then back down at Nick who was now sitting up and adjusting the collar on his shirt as if nothing was amiss. Andrew and Julia stood cowering in the doorway.

'What are you doing in my house?' Louis demanded, looking at Nick, his voice belligerent. Nick continued to fiddle with his clothes whilst Charlotte moved closer to Louis linking her arm through his.

'Do I have to repeat myself?' Louis asked gently pushing Charlotte behind him as he advanced on Nick.

'I have a right to see my son,' Nick said getting to his feet.

'Seems like he doesn't wanna see you,' Louis said the sides of his mouth twitching.

'That's right, I don't,' Jamie spoke up. 'Not now, not ever. I know what you did. I remember.' Louis exchanged a look with Charlotte and Jamie realised they knew exactly what he had remembered.

He wasn't mistaken.

'You've got it all wrong,' Nick said. 'You were only four when it happened. It was an accident.' He looked towards Charlotte for confirmation and she turned cold eyes on him.

'Keep telling yourself that,' she said. 'If it helps you sleep at night.'

'I sleep just fine, always have done.' Jamie did not miss the sneering tone and evidently, Louis didn't either as his fist tightened.

'It doesn't change the facts dad,' Jamie said squaring up to Nick again. 'You pushed mom, that's how she fell and that's how her baby died.' He glanced briefly at Andrew and Julia, their faces a picture of bafflement. He gritted his teeth. He couldn't go too far, not in front of them, they were too young to hear this stuff.

'You're as deluded as she is,' Nick said with a contemptuous look in Charlotte's direction. 'I guess it's genetic.'

In a second Louis had advanced on Nick, his fist slamming into his face. Nick staggered backwards raising his hands in front of him. 

'Louis don't!' Charlotte reached her hand out to restrain him.

Louis glanced at his fist before rubbing it as if it was dirty. 'I've been waiting a long time to do that,' he said grim-faced.

'So why's it took you so long,' Nick sneered, and Jamie guessed he'd worked out that whilst Charlotte and the kids were in the room Louis wouldn't go any further.

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