Chapter 10

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Jamie had been waiting all week for an opportunity to return his mom's diary, he was beginning to regret taking it in the first place. Unfortunately, she'd gone to bed early every night and when he'd asked Louis if she was alright, he'd said she was run down. That wasn't particularly unusual, over the years Jamie had got used to his mom's ailments.

'Hey mom, I'm home,' he called coming through the door. He threw his bag down at the bottom of the stairs making a mental note to take it to his room as soon as he went up. 

'Hi Jamie, we're in the kitchen.' His mom sounded pretty upbeat, and he decided to join her, stopping to say a quick hello to Andy and Julia who were watching TV. On entering the kitchen he found his mom chopping veg while Louis stood watching.

'Dinner will be late tonight, John and Darlene are coming over.'

Jamie inwardly groaned, no doubt that meant they'd be bringing John Junior and Daniel with them. Andy would be pleased, he was friends with Danny, but Jamie wondered how long their friendship would last once their mom's weren't encouraging it.

'I'm hungry now,' he complained although he wasn't, he simply didn't relish the company they'd be eating with.

'You can get a snack,' Charlotte said, pausing with the knife in the air.

'Can't I just eat early?'

Charlotte turned to him frowning but it was Louis who spoke up.

'Come on Jamie, your mom's going to a lot of trouble here, don't spoil it for her.'

Jamie felt a stab of shame, he knew he was being a brat. 'It's okay, I'll get a snack.' His mom smiled. 'And it'll be great to see Junior.' He could tell Louis did not miss the sarcasm but it went over his mom's head.

'Oh did you call your father?' she asked.

Jamie pulled a face. 'No.'

'Please call your father.' Her voice was strained and Louis reached an arm out to her, half hugging her as she continued chopping.

Jamie nodded, retreating from the kitchen, however, he hovered outside the door listening.

'You can't force him to call his dad Lottie, he's not a little kid anymore.'

Charlotte sighed. 'I know but I'd hate him to think I came between him and his father and stopped them having a relationship.'

Jamie scoffed to himself.

'I think Nick's doing a good enough job of that all on his own.' Louis cleared his throat. 'The other day Jamie was asking about his dad, you're gonna have to tell him the truth someday.'

'Why?' Charlotte's voice was sharp. 

'He has a right to know, he's old enough to understand now.' 

'It would hurt him.' Charlotte's voice was muffled and Jamie strained to hear. 'He doesn't need to know.'

Jamie retreated from the doorway his heart pounding. There he was telling himself to return his mom's diary, and not search for any more. Now he thought to hell with good intentions, there was something that was being kept from him, and this was probably the only way he was going to find out what it was.


Eight o'clock on the dot there was a knock at the door. Charlotte jumped to her feet to answer, and the Lombardo family walked in. Andy yelled for Danny to come up to his room, and the youngest sons were instantly happy. Charlotte showed the rest of them through to the living room, and Jamie arranged his face into what he imagined was a pleasant expression.

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