Chapter 20

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Jamie struggled to concentrate on his school work for the rest of the week. Thoughts of his mom, his dad, and Louis had him completely distracted. He was certain his dad had hit his mom but he was also convinced she'd had an affair. Louis had admitted as much, even if he had made some excuse about Charlotte already being separated. Separated didn't mean the marriage was over.

'Are you gonna join us for lunch?' Laura asked startling him out of his reverie as he stood in line in the cafeteria.

'Oh, uh, I think I could do with some space,' he said ignoring the hurt look she gave him. 'Anyway, I'm sure John would rather have you to himself.' Laura smiled but she didn't deny it. Jamie had noticed she seemed a lot more taken with John than she had a few weeks ago, and he hoped she wouldn't be too hurt when he inevitably dumped her.

'You know,' Laura said lowering her voice. 'I kinda misjudged John. I always thought he was arrogant, well he is, but he's also got this sensitive side that I never saw before.'

'Yeah he keeps it well hidden,' Jamie said trying not to sound sarcastic.

'I guess he has more peer pressure than us cos he's so popular, it's a lot to live up to.'

Jamie wished he was a girl so he could roll his eyes, his heart bled for poor John's suffering.

'Look, there he is, up ahead of us,' he said pointing to John who was just about to be served. 'Go catch him up.'

Laura looked uncertain, probably not wanting to queue jump. As if sensing their eyes on him John looked up and beckoned her over, and after a moment's hesitation, she went. With her head down she joined John, ignoring the disgruntled voices around her. Jamie breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to be by himself again. He decided he'd get a sandwich and eat it outside. He pushed his way through the crowd, giving Kevin a quick wave as he headed to the door. A hand on his arm stopped him.

'Aren't you going to join us, Jamie?' Evie asked looking up at him.

Lucy, who was sitting next to her, smirked. 'Yeah, we are your favourite cousins after all.' The way they were sat so close together he knew they had to be gossiping about something. Hopefully, it was nothing to do with him.

He reluctantly took a seat opposite them, thinking it was easier than explaining why he wanted to be alone. He unwrapped his sandwich, and Evie giggled.

'What's so funny?' he asked putting his sandwich back down.

Evie giggled again, and Lucy nudged her. 'Evie still thinks it's funny about your mom being pregnant,' Lucy said with a weary voice.

Jamie sighed, he was trying very hard to put that to the back of his mind. 'That's a secret,' he said. 'No one officially knows yet.' Lucy bit her lip and Jamie's heart sank. 'Who have you told?'

'Evie kinda let it slip to our mom,' Lucy admitted and Evie looked down at her finger nails.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just asking mom about having a baby in your thirties, like was it dangerous or something.' She shrugged, and Lucy gave her a stern look.

'That's not strictly true Evie. You asked mom if she'd be having any more kids, and when mom said she was nearly forty you said-'

'Alright, alright,' Evie snapped. 'I messed up, it's only cos I'm excited though. At first, I thought it was a bit icky but now I think it's cute Lottie's gonna have a baby. I hope she has another girl, Julia's gorgeous!'

Jamie knew he should be mad a her but it was his own fault for opening his big mouth in the first place. Hopefully, Evie's mom would be discreet.

'So you don't still think it's disgusting?' he asked Evie trying not to let on he was annoyed.

'Did I say that? I didn't mean it, I can't wait for the baby to be born.'

Lucy rolled her eyes, and Jamie took a bite of his sandwich hoping that was the end of the discussion. Lucy cleared her throat and he looked back up. She leaned her head forward, looking from side to side.

'Have you heard the latest about Junior and Laura?' she asked, and Evie moved closer to Lucy so all three heads were together. Jamie glanced over his shoulder at the table where Laura and John were sat eating with some of John's friends.

'Don't look,' Lucy hissed. 'But I've heard on the grapevine that Junior might not have completely broken up with Debbie.' She paused for dramatic effect. 'Apparently, they went out the other night.'

Jamie shrugged but he wasn't surprised. 'They could still be friends,' he suggested not caring. 'Just cos they went out doesn't mean they're together.'

'I know,' Lucy whispered. 'But we all know what he's like. Laura's gonna get hurt sooner or later. Either he'll dump her, or Debbie will do something to humiliate her cos she won't like that she's taken her place.'

Jamie looked over at Debbie who was sat with her fellow cheerleaders. She certainly didn't seem heart broken, and he couldn't see why she'd have it in for Laura, it wasn't her fault John had dumped her.

'Well Laura's gonna have to look out for herself,' he finally said, forcing himself to take an interest. 'She knows what John's like, and as for Debbie, she'll only be making a fool of herself if she does anything to Laura.' It would be a good way to advertise to the whole school that she was jealous.

'Shouldn't you guys warn Laura?' Evie asked, her eyes wide. 'Cos I think Debbie will get revenge by getting John back, and then Laura will be hurt and humiliated.'

Jamie could see Laura looking at John and laughing, she seemed more relaxed with him than she ever had. He felt a pang, he wouldn't want her to get hurt but at the same time, it was none of his business. 'Look, John seems to like her, and he's got bored of Debbie once before. I don't think he'll go back to her.' He could see John moving on to another girl though, he had form for that.

'Debbie will know how to get under John's defences,' Lucy said scowling in the direction of Debbie. 'She'll do it out of spite.'

'So warn Laura then, if you think you're right,' Jamie said getting up.

Lucy frowned, clearly annoyed he was losing interest in the conversation. 'Okay I will,' she said her voice rising. 'You just watch me!'


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