Chapter 31

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Jamie heard the sound of Charlotte's car pull up on the drive, and his heart began to beat faster. Louis gave him a look and he knew exactly what it meant. He tried to calm his breathing as the front door opened, and in an instant noise filled the air.

'Can I go play out?'

'Daddy I want ice cream.'

His siblings came running into the living room with a list of demands and complaints. Seemingly grandma had put her foot down and refused Julia ice cream, and Andy had been bored to death. Charlotte followed them in and froze when her eyes landed on Jamie, her face expressionless.

'Hey mom,' he said refusing to meet her eyes.

Louis cleared his throat. 'Come on, I'll get you kids some ice cream,' he said ushering Andrew and Julia out of the room.

Charlotte glared at his retreating form, no doubt irritated that he was spoiling Julia again. Jamie looked down at his fingernails, waiting for his mom to speak. As the silence deepened he realised she wasn't going to.

'Mom, I'm sorry for what I did,' he said picking his thumbnails. 'I shouldn't have done it.'

'No you shouldn't have,' Charlotte said quietly, her voice betraying no emotion. He looked up at her waiting for the onslaught. Instead, she sat down and took her high heels off, wiggling her feet.

'So why did you do it?' she finally asked. 'I think I raised you well enough that you know how wrong it was.' He didn't miss the accusation seeping out of her voice, and she must have heard it too because she got up and switched the TV on as if they were just casually relaxing.

'I wanted to know the truth,' he mumbled, his words sounding lame to his own ears.

'You could have asked me, I've told you more than once you can come to me.'

Jamie inhaled slowly wondering how he could explain that she was totally unapproachable, about this at any rate. 'I tried asking Lou and he fobbed me off, well sort off.'

'It wasn't his place to tell you.'

Jamie's irritation grew with her robotic responses, he'd almost rather she yelled at him. 'I know, I'm sorry,' he repeated trying to break through the wall she'd put up.

'Sorry, you got caught?' she asked her eyebrows raised. 

'No sorry I did it, I'm sorry for everything.' Their eyes met for a moment, and Charlotte quickly looked away.

'It's done now,' she said quietly. 'I wish you hadn't had to find out.' She turned her attention to the TV but Jamie knew she wasn't really watching, she was sat far too rigidly. There was so much he wanted to say but he couldn't get any words out when she was obviously determined not to talk.

'So what's my punishment?'

Her eyes shot to him surprised. 'Oh, umm no punishment.' She fiddled with her wedding ring for a moment. 'Knowing this is punishment enough.'


She raised her hand. 'Jamie, don't think about this, just don't.' He heard her voice break, and he nodded realising she couldn't actually talk.

'Okay mom, I won't.' Like hell, he wouldn't but he saw her shoulders drop at his words. 'But mom, I'm not seeing dad again.' She looked at him, her eyes widening. 'I mean it, I want nothing more to do with that man.' He sat back anticipating an argument as his mom contemplated him.

'That's your decision Jamie,' she said her voice steady again. 'You're old enough now to decide that for yourself.'

He breathed a sigh of relief, he knew he wasn't exactly forgiven but it could have gone a lot worse.

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