Chapter 14

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Louis arrived home about fifteen minutes after Jamie carrying boxes of pizza. Andy was instantly happy, waiting impatiently for Louis to cut it into slices.

'Come on dad we're starving,' he whined. Louis gave him a hard look that Jamie now recognised was fake. He went into the living room where his mom was sat with Julia curled up into her side.

'Go through to the kitchen and get something to eat,' Charlotte said giving Julia a gentle push.

'Aren't you gonna get something to eat mom?' Jamie asked feeling a little concerned.

'Could you ask Louis to bring me a slice through, I'm so tired.'

Jamie got to his feet. His mom never ate in the living room, even if Louis hadn't told him she was pregnant he'd have guessed something wasn't quite right. However, he was saved from a journey as Louis came through with the remainder of the pizza, handing Charlotte a plate with three slices on it.

'I can't eat that much,' she said rolling her eyes at him.

'Just try,' he replied. 'You should keep your strength up.'

'It's easier said than done when you have no appetite,' Charlotte grumbled but she was soon biting into a slice of pizza.

'I think you should take the rest of the week off school,' Louis said lowering his voice, and Jamie pretended not to pay attention.

'I only work afternoons,' Charlotte said. 'That would be taking advantage.'

'No it wouldn't, you're not well. You can't guarantee you're not gonna faint again, and you don't need the job anyway.' Jamie waited for his mom to object but she quietly acquiesced.

'Okay just this week, and it's only to stop you worrying.' She gave Louis a stern look before her face broke into a smile.

Jamie couldn't help the slight frown that appeared on his face, his mom was obviously happy, and he hoped to god nothing went wrong. Since Louis had told him the news his thoughts had returned to his early childhood, to another time when his mom had been pregnant.


Jamie had been around nine or ten. His dad was supposed to pick him up on Saturday morning, and for some reason, he was running late. Jamie hadn't cared though, he liked being at home with his mom and Louis.

'He must be held up,' Louis said exchanging a wary look with Charlotte. She smiled tightly before going back to the ironing. 'Why don't you leave that?'

'It needs doing or are you going to do it?' Jamie noticed an edge to her voice but Louis gave her a half smile.

'Yeah, I will, so put it down.'

Charlotte paused, indecision on her face. 'I'd rather keep busy.' She resumed ironing and Louis's mom tutted. She didn't usually come around on a Saturday but Jamie hadn't thought anything was amiss at the time.

'Charlotte please sit down, you should rest,' Louis's mom said. Jamie watched the adults curiously, it wasn't like his mom to take orders from anyone.

Charlotte turned to her mother in law frowning. 'Resting won't make a blind bit of difference,' she said and Jamie couldn't miss the anger in her voice although she'd spoken quietly.

Louis's mom turned to Charlotte, her face full of pity. 'I know it won't but for your own well being, please sit down.' She glanced at Jamie, clearly choosing her words carefully. 'I do think you should let Louis take you to the hospital.'

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