Chapter 23

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Jamie was in a foul mood at school, the atmosphere at home was getting to him. His mom hadn't said anything more about her pregnancy, and apart from an excited phone call from Louis's mom no one else seemed to have heard the news, not even Darlene. Jamie was a little impressed by John's discretion, or maybe it was lack of interest. He understood his mom's anxiety but he couldn't help thinking she was being unreasonable. He well remembered her last miscarriage, their family had all known about it, and surely it was better that they did? He didn't understand the need for all the secrecy.

He took his seat in homeroom by Laura. 'What's up with your face?' he asked when she looked at him glumly.

She let out a sigh, looking over at John. 'I can't help feeling like I'm being messed around. I think he's still seeing Debbie.'

That didn't surprise Jamie. Although he did think John was finished with Debbie, there could be another girl on the scene. 'Have you asked him?'

Laura shook her head, her cheeks flushing. 'I don't want to come across as the jealous type.' 

Jamie inwardly groaned. He wondered how much shit his mom had put up with from his dad because she didn't want to seem like she was jealous or complaining.

'If you think he's up to something you have to ask him,' Jamie said. 'Well, at least give him the chance to put his side across.' John couldn't object to that reasoning.

'Is that what you'd do?'

Jamie frowned, remembering the nearest thing he'd had to a long term relationship. He'd dumped the girl around the six-month mark when he thought she was flirting with someone else. In hindsight, he'd been hasty but he'd been getting bored and it gave him a get out.

'Laura, I can't tell you how to handle John,' he said awkwardly. 'But if you don't trust him, well follow your instincts.'

Laura nodded. 'That's just it, I don't trust him. He's nice to me but I think he's nice to other girls as well. And I don't just mean in a friends way.' She glanced over at John again.

'I guess you have to do what makes you happy.'

'Yeah that's what I have to figure out,' Laura said with a deep sigh. 'So how are things with you? Here I am rambling on about this nonsense and your mom's pregnant and everything.'

Now it was Jamie's turn to sigh. 'Yeah she is, and the word's got out cos I couldn't keep my mouth shut.' He pulled a face, he was so angry with himself. 'The family all know, well on Lou's side anyway. And mom blames me for blabbing, and so does Lou.' Laura opened her mouth to protest. 'No they're right, I couldn't be trusted to keep my mouth shut.'

'Everyone would have found out anyway,' Laura pointed out.

'Not if my mom miscarries. She thinks she might so she wanted to keep the news to herself for a while. And I blew it.' Laura shook her head but she remained silent. Jamie knew why, he'd screwed up, and there was no getting around it.


Jamie sat with John in the cafeteria pretending that he couldn't see his cousins waving over to him. Evie pouted but Lucy gave him a screw you look, and Jamie sneered in return. If they'd kept their big mouths shut Charlotte's news would still be a secret, well sort of.

'What's up with you?' John asked. 'Your face looks like it's seen your ass.' 

'I could say the same to you,' Jamie said. John looked pretty downbeat, not like his usual arrogant self.

'I've got issues,' John said.

Jamie spluttered. 'Issues?'

'Well like problems, I dunno,' John said with a shrug. He scanned the cafeteria, his eyes settling on Debbie briefly.

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