Chapter 24

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Jamie had yet to return his mom's diary even though he'd found out what he needed to know, or he sort of had at any rate. His parent's marriage had been awful, and his mom was probably still in love with Louis when she'd married his dad. He wasn't sure what to think about it all. He opened the diary remembering that the entries had become quite mundane. Maybe his parents had simply realised they were incompatible and there was no dramatic breakup.

He flipped to December 1964 where he'd stopped reading, and the next entry wasn't until sometime in 1965. He'd noticed his mom was now including a lot less detail, or maybe nothing much was happening that was worth recording.

Nick has been such a grouch lately, I can't do anything right. I got an A on an essay and all he could say was "about time." I'm sick of him putting me down.

I asked Nick about going to California for the summer and he actually said he'd consider it!

Something has happened I just know it. Nick came in slamming the door and he stormed to the bedroom. I'd best keep out of his way.

Why do I always do it? I know when Nick's in a mood I should keep out of his way but I couldn't stop myself asking him what was going on. He's barely said a word all week. He told me to shut the hell up and keep out of his way because it was all my fault. I should have done what he said but I kept persisting. I wanted to know what was my fault. He swung for me saying I was a dumb slut who'd seduced him and ruined his career. I think he's missed out on a promotion again, and obviously, it's my fault. Sometimes I wish I'd never met him.

Jamie paused wondering what 'swung for' meant. It sounded to him like his dad must have hit his mom but maybe it was a turn of phrase, or his mom meant she'd got a verbal tongue lashing. He sure hoped that was all it was.

Nick said we can go to California for the summer. I thanked him but he said he wasn't doing it for me, he was going to see if he could get a job there as his career is dead here. I do hope he finds something even though it'll mean I'll have to transfer for my final year.

We're staying with my mom for the summer. Nick didn't really want to but he didn't want to pay for a hotel either...honestly, there is no pleasing him.

Nick had a job interview today so I met up with Darlene. It was so cute watching Jamie and Junior play together, fingers crossed Nick gets a job locally. Darlene was pretty miserable though. I asked her what was wrong and she burst into tears! She thinks John's cheating. I didn't know what to say but John always had an eye for the girls.

I mentioned to Nick about John cheating and he laughed. He said Darlene couldn't expect any better when she was just a stupid, boring, housewife. I suspect his words were meant more as a warning to me, or a threat...

I am so happy!!! Nick's been offered a job here!! Of course, he's being a misery about it saying he doesn't really want to relocate but I don't care. I can't wait to move back home.

I met up with Darlene and Susan. It was almost like old times, being back together again, and yet it was a bit weird. Darlene's moping cos of John, and Susan's walking on air cos she's just got married...we're kinda on different wavelengths...

Darlene told me John confessed! He's seeing some waitress called Marlene. I almost laughed, how easy it must be for him to get their names mixed up! Darlene said he's promised to finish with her so they'll work it out. I don't know what to think. Well, I think she should leave him but then if I told her some of the things Nick's done I bet she'd tell me the same. It's not so simple really. I think she was a bit surprised I didn't have any words of wisdom for her.

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