Chapter 27

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John glared at Jamie as he took his seat in detention but Jamie didn't particularly care. John had deserved it anyway, however, his mom was going to kill him. He hadn't had detention since freshman year when he was late for school after her car had broken down. He opened his books thinking he might as well get stuck into his homework. In a sense, it wasn't much of a punishment since he always did his homework eventually anyway.

'What the hell got into you?' John hissed. Jamie ignored him, working through his math questions. 'Hey, I'm talking to you.'

'I'm not listening, go bother someone who cares.'

John coughed. 'You almost gave me a black eye.'

'Well you bust my nose,' Jamie countered, and he had to look away to stop himself from laughing at the absurdity of it all. He looked at their teacher who had his head down, more interested in marking than in referring any squabbles.

'It does look kinda bad,' John said grinning. 'Our moms are gonna have a fit.'

'Probably.' Jamie worked on his next question, trying to ignore John.

'Come on, it's kinda funny when you think about it.'

Jamie's head shot up. 'Funny? You totally humiliated Laura! Why'd you do that?'

John looked sheepish. 'I'm an ass, what can I say? I like her but it's never gonna work out. It's better that she hates me and moves on.'

Jamie frowned as he contemplated his words. 'You want her to hate you?'

'Not really but for now it's easier that way. You're right, I don't want a serious relationship, and Laura's so nice I'll get sucked into one with her.'

Jamie shook his head. 'Laura would understand, don't kid yourself that she wants you back. She's only pissed off cos you're seeing Debbie again.'

'I'm not! I hang out with her, that's all.'

Jamie shrugged, he didn't care anyway. John was making things way over complicated probably because on some level he liked the idea that the girls were fighting over him.

'Anyway, that doesn't explain why you tried to knock seven shades of shit out of me,' John said refusing to drop the conversation. 'I didn't think you liked Laura that much.'

'It was nothing to do with her really,' Jamie admitted sourly. 'I wanted to lash out at someone and you gave me the perfect excuse. I guess I'm my father's son.'

John's jaw dropped. 'What?'

'You heard, I'm just like my dad. I get angry and I throw my fists about.' 

'Jamie has something happened?' John's quiet tone brought him up short. He turned to face him, his head in his hand.

'You know my dad hit my mom, yeah?' he asked and John nodded. 'Well I found out he absolutely battered her. Not just a slap, or a shove. Sounds like he pretty much tried to kill her.' He looked at John whose mouth was hanging open. He closed it again, fish like.

'Shit, I'm sorry, Jamie. I knew he did some fucked up stuff.' He broke off. 'God, poor Lottie.'

Jamie looked down again. Yeah, poor Lottie. There he was thinking his mom was a pain in the ass, trying to minimise his dad's abuse, looking for excuses. There were none. His mom, whatever her faults, was the victim. His father was the aggressor. And right now he was terrified he was his father's son.


John dropped Jamie off at home, and Charlotte pounced as soon as he was through the door. She dragged him into the kitchen away from Andrew and Julia.

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