A Bigger Apartment?

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When we got home, nothing looked different.

"Matsu, Sachi! Come here!" Kakashi called from the kitchen.

"Yes?" I asked as we walked into the room.

"Well as much as I enjoyed last night, I would rather not have Sachi there again. So pack your things because we're moving to a bigger apartment. I noticed you only have one bag each, so I'm taking you shopping. And I don't care how much you protest, I'm paying."

I sighed. As much as I hate guys paying, there was no changing his mind. "Thank you."

"I'm packed already." Kat said.

"Same. I never unpacked."

"Alright, let's go." We all walked into town. "Okay ladies, 3 outfits each, things for you room, shoes, a bedset, and the other girl things you need. Then meet me at the weapon store and we'll get what you need for training." Before I could protest, he threw a wad of money at us and poofed away.

"Damn him."

"So where first.?" Kat asked.

"Whereever you want."

"Clothes, i guess." She dashed off.

~2 Hours Later~

We had gotten everything Kakashi told us to get. Kat got a green tanktop with black shorts and red fishnet leggings, a black tshirt with red splatters and black jeans, and a blue tshirt with a black rose on the left bottom corner with black shorts and green fishnet leggings. She got a pair of black sneakers, and some classic ninja shoes. She got a wolf lamp, black and glow-in-the-dark green paint, a green bedset with black roses all over it, and some red and black curtains.

I had gotten a neon green shirt with black jeans and fingerless red fishnet gloves, a purple tsirt with black shorts, and a blue tshirt that had a thorned vine going around it with black jeans. I got a pair of bright blue converse and the traditional ninja shoes. I got a giant stuffed white tiger, some black and purple pain, a tiger lamp, and a black bedset that had a giant red rose in the middle, and some purple curtains.

Now we were going to meet Kakashi at the weapon store but he was already walking towards us with two big boxes in his arms and two smaller boxes on top.

"We were just about to meet you." I said as I handed him the remaining amount of money.

"You were taking too long." He handed us each a smaller box. Inside were the basic weapons needed.

"What's in the bigger boxes?" Kat asked.

"Well I based these off of instinct so I may be wrong, but you'll see when we get to the apartment. By the way, I could only get a two bedroom. So either Matsu can stay with me, or you two can share."

"Well, I bought paint, so if I can paint the room, I'll stay with you, Kakashi." I said.

"As long as it's not pink, I'm fine with it." He glared at Sachi.

He handed us a piece of paper then poofed off. I looked at the paper.

'Here's the address. I have to take care of something. I'll be back in an hour.'

"What's it say.?"

"Just the address to the new apartment."

~30 minutes later~

We finally got to the apartment and Kakashi poofed in front of us.

"I thought you wouldn't be home for another thirty minutes?"

"I never gave you the key. Plus I finished early."

"Finished what?" Kat asked.

"You'll see." He unlocked the door and walked in. Kat and I stayed behind.

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