The Final Battle

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So I have good music., my book with the finished chapters and candy OwO so I'm ready to write! By the way I'm writing this on my phone so there will be some errors. Enjoy.

Warning: OOCness. Something almost every author does. It's just so hard trying to keep the characters in character. Especially in scenes that do not fit their personality at all. I'm sorry if you dislike it, but hey, it happens.


*Kakashi's P.O.V*

Matsu walked into the house and straight into her room without saying a word.I walked into the room to see her laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"Matsu?" I asked softly sitting on the bed next to her.

"ha- oh Kakashi."

"what's wrong ?" she shook her head and stayed silent. I held her close to me. "Will you ever tell me?"

She nodded. "just not now."

"just know that I love you."

She blushed. "I love you too. I really do."

I smiled and took off my mask before leaning down and kissing her. She kissed back while wrapping her arms around my neck. I leaned over her and before anything happened, Sachi burst in and threw a condom at us.

"Safe sex!" she yelled then walked out.

I sweat dropped. "Trust Sachi to ruin the moment."

Matsu chuckled. "let's just pick up where we left off." she pulled me down to kiss me once again.


I woke up to find Matsu in my arms. I kissed her and she woke up. "Good morning."

"morning." she stretched then got up with the sheet wrapped around her. "I'm going to take a shower. Cover up before Sakura comes in and KakaSaku happens." she scowled slightly. "or worse, kakanaru or kakasasu."

I paled instantly and covered up. She burst out laughing before walking into the bathroom. A few moments later, she came out in a towel. I got up and went next. Once I was done, I found her fully dressed in a black tank top and shorts. I put on boxers and some pants leaving out a shirt. She looked at me and smiled before going back to putting her hair in a long braid.

"can you hand me a kunai?"

I nodded and threw her one. "what are you doing?" I asked as she brought the braid across her shoulder.

She ignored me as she cut have the length off then unbranded it. Her came to the middle of her back.

"Why did you cut it?"

"it's too damn long! Anyways let's go get breakfast."

I nodded and followed her out and into the kitchen.

*Sachi's P.O.V*

I was sitting in the kitchen making pancakes with Sasuke when Kakashi and Matsu walked in.

"There's something different about them." he said quietly to me.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at the two who were sitting at the table. "you're right. Matsu." she turned to me and I laughed in realization. "You used my gift from last night, huh?"

Her face turned bright red and she planted it on the table. Kakashi chuckled but avoided my gaze nonetheless. I laughed even more.

Sasuke turned to me confused. "What gift?"

I leant over and whispered it into his ear. His eyes widened and a faint blush was on his face. I rolled my eyes and went back to flipping the pancakes.

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