The Talk

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We were walking along the path when Tazuna started talking.

"Kakashi, I want to talk to you. Its about the mission."

Kakashi nodded. I just rolled my eyes and started poking him.

"You're right, this job is most likely out of your duties, but it turns out a super dangerous man is after me."

Sachi scoffed. "It 'turns out'? You've known the whole time."

"Super dangerous man? Matsu will you stop poking me?!"


He sighed. "You're lucky I love you enough to put up with your annoyingness. You're more annoying and weird than those four combined." He pointed at Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Sachi.

I smiled and glomped him. "But you still love me!~"

"Yup." He gave me a quick kiss. It was awkward with the mask on. Then he just stared at me.


"Your headband is gone."

"What are you talking about? Its on me." I touched a cat ear.

"Take it off."

"That's what she said." Sachi said.

We ignored her and I pulled on a cat ear. "Ow! What the hell? That shouldn't have hurt."

"Turns out your cat ears are real. One just twitched."

I stared at her. "Sachi you have a tail."

"What?" She grabbed her tail. "Holy fuck."

"Niami!" She abruptly woke up and fell off my head. Luckily I caught her before she hit the ground.


"What's going on with us?" Sachi asked.

she glanced at both of us. "Oh that. Well due to being able to summon packs as powerful as Kaito and I's, you get two features representing that pack. Matsu, that would include your cat ears, and sachi, your tail. Your other feature will come in a bit." She fell back asleep in my arms.

"Lazy tiger." I mumbled. "You can continue with your boring speech, Tazuna. I believe Kakashi-kun was going to ask who the guy is."

He sighed. "You've probably at least heard his name before. A wealthy shipping magnate name, Gato."

"Oh no! Not Gato! We're all going to die!" I fell to the ground dramatically.

Kakashi rolled his eye and helped me up. "Gato? From that Gato company? Hes said to be one of the worlds few extremely wealthy people."

"Bill Gates is richer." I said.

"True. Hes richer than anyone in this world." Sachi agreed.

Tazuna ignored us. "Yes, officially he runs a large shipping company. But he secretly sells drugs and other illegal items, using ninja and gang members to take over businesses and countries. Hes a very nasty man. About a year ago he set his eyes on the Land of Waves. Through violence and money he quickly took over the county's shipping industry. Gato now has a monopoly over all business traffic in the country. The only thing now he has to fear is the completion of the bridge."

I sighed. "Ill quickly answer all questions. Sakura, because hes building the bridge, yes he's in the way. Yes, Sasugay, the idiot ninja were hired by Gato. Naruto you look confused so I'll put it in simple terms. Idiot ninja hired by very bad man. Bad man wants old drunk guy dead because hes building a very big wooden thing that goes over the water that you walk on called a bridge. Kakashi, he hid the fact that there were ninja after him because his country is very poor and couldn't afford anything hire than a C-rank. Lastly, Tazuna, try to play the guilt trip and I'll bitchslap you twice as hard as Sachi did. We all know we're going to do the mission because of the stupid arc."

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