Finally back!

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*TenTen's P.O.V*

We arrived at the hospital an hour later. They were transferred to a hospital in a different town because the hospital by Aaron's didn't have the correct macchines.

Kakashi and Sasuke looked worried. We all did. I hope they will be okay. They're the only girls I don't mind talking to besides Hinata.

Aaron ran up to the lady at the desk. "Do you have a Katherine and Jon (A/N: Not using real last names OwO) here?!"

"Oh yes. They just got out of surgery. The doctor will be here shortly to tell you about their condition."

He nodded and we sat in the waiting room.

About thirty minutes later a young doctor came in and pulled Aaron away privately. Aaron just nodded and walked over to us after the doctor left.

"Alright. No good news."

Kakashi and Sasuke looked as if they would pass out at any moment.

"They are both in comas. The doctor says we can visit them but it doesn't look as if they will be waking up anytime soon."

Hinata looked ready to cry.

Neji looked worried.

Sasuke and Kakashi were clenching their fists.

Naruto was about to cry as well.

I really hope they wake up.

We all walked to their room. Luckily the doctor had put them together so that we wouldn't have to split up.

When we got there Kakashi and Sasuke were the first ones in. Sasuke ran to Kat's bed and Kakashi did the same to Jon's.

They all need to get back together.

*Kaksashi's P.O.V*

I sat in the chair next to her bed. I don't care what that guy said. I'm going to believe what she said about it being a lie. And when she wakes up, I'm going to do my best to get her back. No matter what! I.....I love her... and I really hope she feels the same way.

"I love you.." I whispered as I held her hand.

*Sasuke's P.O.V*

This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't. I gripped her hand tightly.

"Wake up...please wake up... I need you..."

I cant believe it ended over something so stupid. I swear I'm going to punch the next fangirl I see. I felt like punching a wall so bad. Or a face. Yeah, a face. A fangirl's face. I need her to wake up. When she does, I vow to fix all the mistakes I've made.

"I'm so sorry. Please wake up. I love you."

(A/N: I feel awkward writing love scenes .__. So that is why they suck)

*Kat's P.O.V*

I sat up and held my head. I looked around. Where am I? I looked to see the body next to me and smiled. I'd notice that green and blue hair anywhere. I poked her.

"Jon, get up! We're back."

She slowly woke up. "Huh? Where are we?" She looked at me and smiled. "Are we back?!"

I nodded.

"Where are the others?"

"I don't think they came back. Do you remember anything from right before we woke up?"

She thought for a moment. "I was driving after we got back to Aaron's, then a person was in the middle of the road so I swerved and we hit that tree and..... oh my God. Did we die?!"

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