Blonde? No way!

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"97%," we said at the same time.

I turned to look at him just as he looked at me.

"Damn," we both said, again at the same time.

"Stop that!" we then hissed at each other.

I began to walk a few more feet apart from him. Sigh. The air was good out there. Fresh, clean, and completely free of my brother's super-strong deodorant odour.

Normally we took the bus home from school. He sat somewhere near the back, and I sat somewhere near the front. But today we'd both missed it because our Maths teacher had kept the class in for an after school detention. Trust a pi-lover to ruin my new trainers. He knew it had rained heavily last night.

"Hey, watch it," Zach warned me. "You're walking in time with me."

"I'm walking in time with you?" I snorted, shaking my head. "I don't care about those 30 seconds, Zach. They don't make you centuries older than me. So you can't boss me around."

"I'm not bossing you around," he said. "You're just too much of a stubborn pig to listen."

"How dare-"

I was just fisting my hand up to punch him when he gasped and sprinted ahead of me.

"Dave and Al approaching in black car!"

I knew the drill.
Stop, turn, walk away.

"Hey, man!" Dave shouted to it. "Wanna ride?" He grinned at the sleek black coat of his Mercedes-Benz.
"Aw dude, this is good!" Zach said, slapping the bonnet. I didn't want to go too far, so I stopped at the nearest bench and sat down, pulling my Physics book out of my bag and sticking my nose into it.

If that idiot didn't hurry up I'd throw his new iPod out the window.

And jump on it.

"Yeah, definitely!" Zach answered, throwing the door open and slipping inside. He didn't even bother glancing back at me as he and his friends sped off down the road.

I just stared after them, my British head throbbing in the Cali sun.

What a Penguin.


"You are so unfit," Zach said when I came into the house, panting. My dark hair was clinging to the back of my neck with sweat, and my throat was really dry.

"You Penguin!" I shouted. "How could you leave me there and drive off with your stupid friends who are, by the way, underage to be messing around in an expensive car!"

Zach paused in the middle of his sit-ups and raised an eyebrow at me. "Penguin? Now that's a bit harsh."

Mum and Dad are really fussy about language, so we use different words to express our hatred towards each other. To the unknowing person, ie Mum or Dad, we would seem innocent. Cute, even. But between us...

"Shut up! You're a fake and-"

"I'm not a fake. Charming, fit, clever, popular and good-looking is the real me," he smirked, then stood up and gulped down the glass of water on the table beside him.

"Oh please! Can't you think of any more words to describe yourself?" I said, still annoyed he'd left me to walk home. "And you're not exactly the fittest person in the world. Why don't you go and run a few kilometres in this heat and see if you finish looking perfect?"

At that, Zach laughed. "You think I look perfect!" I felt my cheeks burn in hot anger as I dug my nails into my palm so that I wouldn't lash out at him.

"I hate you!" I hissed, storming past him and jogging up the stairs. He was still laughing like an irritating hyena.

"Oh, and by the way, Lib, I've decided you're going blonde," he called after me. "We look too similar."

"What on earth, Zach? And you're not allowed to call me Lib!" I shouted from halfway up. I could almost see his gleeful smile in my head as he sang,"Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib!"

"I'll never go blonde!" I said, before slamming the door of my room shut. In a few seconds it was swung open again. Great. He's a runner, he's going to be fast. Learn your enemy's weaknesses, Liberty!

"Get out," I said, not bothering to look up at him from my iPad.

He stayed.

"Get out," I repeated.

Suddenly a flying bottle whacked me in the face.

"Ow!" I cried. "You idiot! What's wrong with you!" Zach just shrugged and began to walk out.

"Go blonde or I'll mess up your room," he said, then kicked the door shut behind him.

I closed my eyes and gave them a rest from glaring. Then I aimed and threw the bottle of hair dye perfectly into the bin. Goodness knows where he got that thing.

I didn't plan on going Barbie anytime soon. But if he wanted to prance around with golden flick-worthy hair, fine by me!


Like the picture of Liberty? But just imagine darker, possibly raven black hair, coz that's how Lib looks like :)

Also, thanks to TrisKelsey for the trailer!!! She did an amazing job!!!

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