Dear Jacob

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- dedicated to killerjpg for the lovely  front cover in the pic...thank you!!! -
Also, sorry for the late update! This is just a filler chapter btw...I felt like we needed a little less action! ;)

I took my porridge outside and sat down on the porch of the hut.
It was a nice, sunny morning, and a soft breeze whispered through the loose strands of my dark hair. The sky was bright and cloudless and the sea lapped gently at the beach.
All in all, it was a peaceful start to the day.
I popped a spoonful into my mouth and gulped. The syrupy honey in it made it bearably sweet.
I sighed, then stretched my legs out, trying to balance the warm bowl on my thighs. I was in some of Abbily's different clothing now; a deep purple sort of tunic dress that hit my knees and grey leggings that were a little itchy. Even though I'd been so horrible to Brenda yesterday she'd been kind enough to give me breakfast and new, clean stuff to wear.
She is so sweet and now I feel so bad for how I reacted yesterday. Zach and I both have Dad's temper, and unfortunately, we're never afraid to use it to the maximum.
Once in school, this guy ran into Zach by accident, but it happened to be the day Zach had an (American) football match. He fell down and scraped his shoulder and it bled a little, but he got so furious he punched the guy in the gut and held him in a head lock until Mrs Daley pulled him away. Mum and Dad were so annoyed that before they left to Florida on some kind of mission they removed all the fizzy drinks, or soda as they call it there, from the house and locked up Zach's card.
Zach loves fizzy drinks.
Like really loves them.
"Nice weather, eh?" Farro said, stepping onto the porch and plopping down beside me. I nodded, my mouth in a tight line. I still didn't feel like I could talk to any of them.
"Oh, don't be like that," Farro sighed. "Look. I don't care what you said or did yesterday, but I don't want you to be grumpy anymore. First things first, it makes you look ugly."
I gasped then shot him a glare. He grinned in return, then took a bite of the banana he had in his hand.
"And we are all sorry about Jacob. You know we are."
"Yeah," I murmured quietly. "And I'm sorry too." He smiled then leaned back, resting on the lower parts of his arms.
We sat quietly and I gazed at the scenery around me. Picturesque. Perfect.
"Why, thank you," Farro grinned, and I slapped him.
"I didn't realise I said that out loud," I said.
"You did," Farro nodded with a grin.
"Where's Zach?"
Suddenly Farro's expression changed and he scowled. Grumpily, he stood up and began walking inside.
"What?" I called, frowning.
"Find him yourself," Farro snapped, then slammed the door.
I shrugged it off then walked around the hut into the trees. I carried on for a long time, enjoying the warmth, until I got to the foot of the volcano.
I shook my hair loose then tied it into a knot. Then I breathed in sharply and forced myself to look down at Jacob's grave.
It wasn't much; just a jagged rock wearing a crown of little white flowers. The petals were beginning to brown and curl slightly.
I pulled it off and threw it away, then disappeared amongst the trees again.
A bird cried then sat down near me. I glanced at it, picking tiny purple flowers from the ground, and chaining them together. After a while I finished, so with a final inhale of the sweet scent they gave off, I got up and replaced it on the 'tombstone'.
"Dear Jacob," I said aloud to his grave. "We'll miss you." I bit my lip so I wouldn't cry.
"I hope you join your sister because I know she'll be dead too. Nobody survives. I don't know why I survived." Tears dropped readily from my eyes now onto the soft earth covering him.
"And I'm sorry for every time I snapped at you, yelled at you, annoyed you or was mean to you, and I just wanna say that you were the best little boy I've ever known...and...and..." I shook, sobbing into my hands. "And I'm sorry, I am so, so sorry I couldn't save you, and...and..."
The sky began to cry with me. I hadn't noticed the clouds gathering, but now a glum grey mess loomed over me.
"Thank you for everything, honey," I breathed, then squatted by his grave, closing my eyes and squeezing myself tightly. The drizzle was getting heavier.
"Bye, Jacob," I whispered finally, then pushed his death out of my life and walked away.

Well...that was sad :'(
So, why do you guys think Farro reacted like that when she asked about Zach? Remember to comment and vote! :D
See ya, and stay awesome! :) you can do this by V-ing, C-ing and F-ing too!'s...wait...ok don't do that!!! ':D *laughs nervously*

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