Water Water and More Water

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Water smashed over my body and I felt myself being dragged along with the powerful current. In seconds all I could see was thick, green murky sea whirling around me.
I felt like someone was holding me down in the water. My lungs burned and I thrashed like a maniac, trying to get to the surface. I had opened my eyes but I still felt blind. So very, very blind.
Just when I thought I might die, a huge plank of rough wood came propelling into my stomach. I opened my mouth to shriek and immediately gulped down a load of dirty water, but the force of the plank had pushed me upwards and when my head broke through the surface I gasped and breathed in deeply.
And greedily.
I looked around frantically, clinging onto the floating plank for dear life. My heart was hammering inside my chest and my arms and legs, which were mostly bared because the dress had ripped were covered in bloody cuts. I screamed and started sobbing when the sharp end of a car door tore into my forearm and sank, the white paint beaded in crimson.
"Zach!" I shouted, craning my sore neck to find him. My tears were mixed with my blood and my dark hair was waterlogged and tangled with seaweed like my feet. I felt a tiny fish zoom past my thigh and knew my dress ended in the middle of it. The cloak and sleeves had been completely ripped off, barely covering my shoulders fully.
"Zach!" I shrieked again. "Please! Zach!" I began shaking as I cried again. Everything looked blurry through salt and water.
The plank slammed into a tree and I was thrown forward and over it. I screamed again and scrunched up my eyes, preparing for the worst, when suddenly I landed on something cushiony and smooth. My hand slipped across the water resistant side and I took a quick peek.
A Minnie-Mouse float boat.
Oh. My. Gosh.
Thank goodness.
Oh, thank, thank, THANK goodness.

I'm not going to die today.

I didn't know whether to cry loud or cry hard.


Hands up if you get the picture! XD

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