The Fall

730 28 12

- dedicated to Nikki48216, who took a little break from Wattpad and who made this amazing cover in the picture :) Thanks so much and Welcome Back! -


I had probably only been knocked out for a moment, because when consciousness hit me like a tsunami wave drowning the shore, my eyes flew open and I sat up gasping. The first thing I saw was Abbily kneeling by Brenda, who was sprawled on the floor with a bloody chest. I bit back a cry when I saw the knife cause the skin to sag disgustingly.

I rolled onto my stomach and began crawling slowly over to her. Suddenly my foot kicked something and I heard a groan.

"Ouch," moaned Zach. I quickly whipped around and saw my brother clutching one knee. His face was wiped clean but there were bloody tissues on the floor.

I turned back to Brenda. Abbily was staring at me through tears in her eyes. Just...weeping and staring.

"Oh Abbily, I'm so, so sorry," I said, my voice cracking. I clumsily enveloped her in a hug and waited for the pushing, the screaming, the kicking, the fighting and...


She just sobbed onto my shoulder and I stayed still for a while and let her, silent tears falling from my eyes too.

Then I looked up slowly and saw Farro sitting on the sofa, clutching his head in his hands and shaking a little, and went to sit beside him.

"Hey," I said softly.

He didn't reply.

"I'm sorry," I tried. Suddenly Farro let out a cold, very un-Farro like laugh.

"A fat lot of good your sorries will do," he scoffed.

"I'm sor-" I quickly stopped myself.

"Please. Please. Just shut up."

I stared at my hands and felt my eyes warm up. Why did I care what this guy was saying to me? I didn't even know him that well. He means nothing to Zach and I.

Then why did I feel like crying? Gosh, dang these teenage hormones!

Farro sighed. "Sorry," he muttered.

"A fat lot of good your sorries will do," I mimicked quietly, stubbornly. He rolled his eyes and gave me an awkward hug.

"Happy now?"

"Not really," I mumbled. "There's a dead woman in front of me and my brother's showing signs of cancer."

Zach made a little noise at my last word and we both glanced at him.

"You know, Farro," Zach began. "She coulda killed herself 'cause-"

"There was too much on her shoulders," Abbily interrupted. "Ever since you all came it's been one disaster after another. And..." she gave a sigh, "I'm not trying to be mean."

There was silence, then Zach got up and went outside.

Farro looked at me with a questioning eyebrow, so I just shrugged and began to follow my brother. Just before I left the hut, two arms squeezed me tight from behind, and I gave Farro a small smile.

It was quite dark outside, so it took a while to make out Zach's shape running in the distance. He's fast and does like every sport at school, so he's way fitter and stronger than me.

There would have been no way to catch up with him, but luckily he stopped at one point to tie his shoelace.

"Zach!" I called, panting. "Wait up!"

He stood up slowly and looked at me.

"Why...why are you here?" I asked, bending down with my hands on my knees.

"Running. It's what I do when I'm upset," he answered, and began jogging, so that I could keep up pace.

"So you"


"Wow," I said. It's shocking how little I know about my own twin.

"Remember that time when I was out of the house for two hours after midnight?" Zach said, not even breathing a little heavier. "Well, I hadn't gotten over Casey. She was the only girl I actually ended up proper liking, and then I found out from Max that she had been cheating." He ran a little faster then, as if trying to release his anger.

"Oh," was all I could say. "Uh...Casey was my lab partner for a few weeks, and she was nice. Sorry you had to lose her, but maybe you'll find someone better, like...Abbily!"

I giggled and shrieked when he gave me a shove.

"Zach!" I shouted, and he laughed. I chased him around and we both spent a while laughing and pushing each other, when suddenly lightning struck.

In that brief moment when the island was lit up, I saw Zach and I step right over the edge of the cliff.

We both clung to each other, screaming and thrashing. We fell hard, fast, gaining speed, my long now straight hair whipping in our faces. More lightning flashed and I saw in horror through my squeezed-shut eyes dozens of sharp rocks beneath us, with black seawater raging over them. We were tumbling through the air, spinning round and round and round. I felt sick, my heart was in my mouth and my stomach in my throat.

"We're gonna craaaaaaa!-"

The last thing I remember was clutching Zach for dear life, and hitting the water with an earsplitting SMASH!


Ok this was such a bad chapter I'm embarrassed of it. Vote and comment if you want! :)

Question: are they gonna live????

Next update: like NOW!

#notproofread #unedited #sorry

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