The Dream

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- dedicated again to killerjpg for the cover in the pic but also dedicated to all of my fantastic readers who will vote for this chapter, because you guys are seriously the best :) -

Sorry for the late update but it's here at last! Yay! :) also, check out my new book, My Name Is Madiha! It's a little different to what I normally write, but I hope you guys will like it! :)

Also, I might delete The Perfect Murder or put it on hold - what do you guys think? COMMENT! :)

Ok, now here's your chapter!


"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Zach and Liberty, Happy Birthday to you!"

We both blow out the candles on our fabulous three tier cakes from opposite ends of the table, and smile at the guests, who were clapping and cheering.

"Such big kids now!" Grandma whimpers tearily, wiping her eyes with a hankie.

"Umm, Grandma, you're like eighty," Zach says, and earns a very naily dig from Mum, who cleverly disguises it as a motherly squeeze on the shoulder. I smirk at Zach, but when I look down at my cake again, all I see is soft golden sand.

We are on an island in the Caribbean for our summer holiday a year later. Zach and Dad are splashing around in the water, laughing, and Mum's reading 'Heist Society' by Ally Carter, a book I love too, while relaxing on a deck chair. I find myself collecting shells on the beach and taking them back to a magnificent set of sand castles. I couldn't have built them!

Suddenly a woman comes over and slaps a first place ribbon just below my shoulder. I've won competition?!

I gasp as the scenery changes and I am bobbing up and down on a galloping horse, racing around and waving at the people in the bleachers.

"Woah!" I shriek as the black beauty rears up and I almost fall off. Then, all at once, the reins disappear and I am on the world's fastest roller coaster, screaming and travelling upwards at a tremendous speed. Then at the top, I look around frantically and see I am the only person there, at the absolute front with NO seatbelt or restraint, and am about to drop down the steep (1000 or more feet?!) and then go straight into seven loop the loops. I scream again as I begin zooming down, so fast everything is a blur, when all of a sudden I am yanked out and slung far across the earth by some invisible slingshot. I canon bolt into the Sahara desert with a cloud of red dust. The sun is baking the dry ground and boiling the sky, so much that it's rippling. I gasp as the heat hits me, and look around, my throat parched, at the harsh lands of Africa.

A few birds cry overhead and I glance up. They begin flying in a certain direction, and I aimlessly follow them. They lead me to a small pool of water, and I collapse gratefully by it, and gulp down some...lava?!

I screech as the scorching liquid runs down my throat. I am standing on a tiny piece of floating rock in a volcano, with molten lava bubbling and churning around me. I scream again, my chest rising and falling heavily as I look around in fear, wide-eyed. My cheeks burn and sweat pours down my face. I realise I am wearing my Queen Elsa dress from Felicia's party.

The bottom of the dress suddenly moves so that the cloak and it hang down into the lava, and melt away. I stare in horror as some of it burns up my leg, eating the skin. I feel extreme pain coursing through my body but I can't scream, because what I see in front of me is even more shocking.

A little blond boy is swinging his legs on a slim wall of rock on the inside of the volcano. It's not very high up, but it's very far from me, because I am in the centre.

"Jacob?" I cry.

His face is twisted and blackened, with blood oozing out of random gashes. His tiny body is in the same state, and all he is wearing is a shabby pair of shorts.

"No..." I whisper, when suddenly it's like a pause button is pressed and the world freezes. There is no sound - except for the haunting voice of a little boy singing.

"Jacob, Jacob was sitting on a wall. Jacob, Jacob, had a great fall!" The boy dropped off the rock and went crashing into lava. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. I blink back tears and watch him in terror as he slowly, slowly begins sinking.

"All the Queen's horses and all the Queen's men," he continues, and suddenly the black beauty I had been riding was hovering in the air on my right, and Farro and Zach on my left.

"Couldn't save Jacob so it was his end." He disappears into the fiery sea, and everything unfroze.

"No!" I scream, and begin sobbing. But then, all of a sudden, something beneath me cracks and I find myself hovering as well. Zach and I are hugging each other for dear life, but he is staring ahead.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's coming," he keeps saying, but his expression is blank.

"What's coming?" I ask worriedly.

"It's coming," he replies. "In - it's here."

There is a roaring sound and I snap my head to where he is staring. A tsunami wave of molten lava rushes towards us...we are going to die...all I can think is tsunami lava Jacob death Jacob tsunami lava lava lava Jacob tsunami Zach Zach tsunami tsunami tsunami tsu-

We are enveloped...

Too late.

Too late.


I screamed and shot up in bed. Tears trickled out of my eyes and I was sweating and breathing heavily.

"Lib! Lib! What's wrong?" Zach asked, running into the room.

"N-nightmare," I replied shakily, trembling. "Oh gosh Zach, it was awful."

"Well, at least we know it's not real," Zach said, sitting down on the bed and patting my knee.

"That's the thing, Zach," I whispered, staring at him in fear. "Most of it was. And I think the rest of it...might be about to happen."


So, how did you like that? :D it was really fun to write, and took me quite a while, so please reward me with your votes for my effort!! :) thanks!!!

Question: which nursery rhyme would you have chosen for Jacob to sing at the end? And do you think Humpty Dumpty was haunting enough?

Well, remember to VOTE. COMMENT. SHARE. FOLLOW.

See ya, and have a great day! Thanks for reading, and stay awesome! :)

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