You're A Survivor, So Survive

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-dedicated to Nikki48216 for being an amazing follower. I recommend reading her books-

I sniffed for the millionth time and felt the hot tears brimming my eyes again. I had fallen asleep on his chest, crying, and now my head ached like anything.
Whimpering again, I turned my face so that my wet cheek rested against his damp remains of a grey t-shirt.
"Zach, please," I pleaded, voice cracking. "Please don't leave me!" I broke into sobs again, shaking uncontrollably. I felt a hand grip mine tightly and looked up quickly in hope.
It was just Jacob.
He looked so sad and sympathetic, but I wasn't in the mood for sympathy. I turned away and dropped my head onto Zach again, crying silently.
"Zach," I said. "Zach, please Zach, please, don't die, don't, just don't die." I choked and hugged his cold, limp body.
"Please, if you die, I'll die, please, please Zach. You're a survivor, so survive!" Through blurry vision, I found where his heart should be and placed my hand there, but I was so shaky I couldn't feel a beat.
"Don't die!" I cried, my face streaming. "I don't hate you! You can be horrible to me and I won't mind anymore! Zach! Survive! Survive you idiot!"
Jacob came and wrapped his tiny arms around my shoulders, but I shrugged him off. "Not now," I trembled, then closed my eyes, tired, and rested back on my brother. If Zach would be dead to me, I would be dead to the world.

A hand gently pushed my hair behind my ear. I turned slightly, and murmured,"stop it, Jacob." Jacob didn't say anything. Or stop.
"Can't you see I'm upset?" I snapped, and swatted the rough hand away.
The same hand that punched me, hugged me, pushed me and annoyed me my entire life.
I froze. Sitting up, I cradled the hand in mine, staring at it. Then I turned around slowly, afraid I would be imagining everything.
I found myself staring into a pair of bright green eyes that could have mirrored my own.
"Zach!" I screamed. He was smiling wearily, and his eyes shined with tears.
I threw my arms around him hard, sobbing and sobbing and sobbing and burying my head into his bloody shoulder.
"You're ok, you're ok," I cried, squeezing the life out of him.
"Yeah, I'm ok," he wheezed, enveloping me back. "Are you ok?"
"Okayer than you!" I cried, and he began to gently stroke the side of my face.
"Don't cry, please don't cry," he begged, voice and breath raspy.
"I almost lost you!" I cried.
"But you didn't," Zach said with a tiny smile. "We're gonna be alright, Lib, everything's gonna be alright." He drew me in closer, and rested his chin on my head as I curled up small against him. "We're survivors, and we're gonna survive, and nothing's gonna get in our way."
I didn't reply, because when you almost lose your brother, more specifically, your twin brother, who, although you won't admit it, is like your other half, all you want to do is cry and cry and cry.
Because your cruel world just turned almost perfect.

So, how was this chapter? :D bet you've been waiting to find out! Comment, vote, share, follow! Next update might possibly be today in a few hours!

Zach in the picture? or not? Submit a picture link if you have another pic!

- wansari-dragon

P.s I didn't know how to make it sad or dramatic enough, so sorry about that. All I know is that I wanted to cry when I imagined it playing out in my head! {:'(

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