Land Ahoy!

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At first, all three of us just stood staring at the view ahead. A tall, crumpled volcano burst from behind the large canopy of palm leaves. I'm not gonna lie and say the sand was golden when it was white, but it certainly looked super soft. Water lapped gently at the shore, licking the glossy pebbles and shells scattered at its edge.

"Wow," I breathed.

Then let out a shriek of joy.

"Land!" I screamed happily, hauling Jacob into my arms and leaping out of the boat. I splashed through the rest of the water because it just came below my knees and ran onto the beach, laughing.

"Land land land," I sang. Jacob joined in and we both ran around like headless chickens, loving the feel of the warm sand between our toes. Zach laughed and jumped out too, diving headfirst onto the beach when he reached us.

"Oh my gosh," he said, lying on his back smiling. "This is amazing!" I plopped down beside him and Jacob joined. We sat saying nothing for a while, enjoying the scenery.

"I never thought I'd be this happy again," Zach said quietly. He touched a scar on his high angular cheekbone. "I...I thought I was gonna-"

"Don't say it," I interupted. "Don't spoil the moment. Just don't." Zach shut up after that, and we sat in silence again.

Until Jacob decided he desperately had to go to the toilet.

"Just go into the forest," Zach said lazily, closing his eyes. I sat up immediately.

"Zach! He's five! He can't go by himself!"

"Then you take him."

"I'm a girl. You take your fellow species to the toilet."

"That didn't make sense."

"It did, if you consider men animals."

"Just shut up and take him."

"You take him!"

"Why me?"

"'Cause you're a boy too!"


I groaned, frustrated, and stomped off towards the trees, dragging Jacob by the hand and making sure to kick some sand into Zach's face.

"Ok Jacob, I'm gonna wait here while you go to the toilet behind those bushes," I explained. "Got it?"

He nodded, so I said with a satisfied smile, "Good boy!", then turned around and heard his tiny footsteps pattering away.

Two minutes has barely passed when Jacob suddenly cried out. I spun around, worried, and quickly ran over to where I told him to go.

When I saw him up to his knees in quicksand I felt my heart stop for a second.

"Jacob!" I cried, then did the most stupid thing ever.

I walked in to get to him.

Someone remind me why I'm in set one for everything again?

I yelped when I felt the sand begin to bury my feet. Struggling, I managed to hold a hand out to Jacob. "Grab it!" I called, trying to move my swallowed legs.

"Jacob! Grab my hand!" I repeated, leaning forward, when suddenly my thighs were digested and I somehow fell forward, screaming.

"Zach!" I yelled. "Help me!"

I was quickly sinking deeper and deeper every second, until my hips were half under. "Zach!" I screamed. "Zach!"

In brief moments, sand surrounded my stomach. Then my waist. I couldn't move.

The tsunami hadn't killed me but the quicksand would.

My chest began to burn as it was packed tighter and tighter. I tried to move but couldn't. My shoulders were almost disappearing...

"Zach! ZACH! Help me!" I wriggled in desperation, screaming the air out of my lungs. "Zach!"

My neck was now being absorbed. "Zach..." I croaked, weak. Through my blind-spotted vision I could see Jacob being pulled out.

Good, I thought, feeling faint. At least one of us will survive.

Just as I was about to shut myself off forever, two strong arms gripped me, tugged me up, and swung me over their shoulder.

Then I think they set me down on the ground, or something flat and hard anyway.

All I remembered was opening my green eyes to stare into curious grey ones before I blacked out.
Oh Lord.

Hi guys :)

Like the new cover? It was done by theamazingruf. A big thanks to her and Nikki48216 for my previous amazing cover! I might try to blend them both together, actually...

So, how was the chapter? Who do you think the eyes belonged to?

Remember to vote, comment, follow and share!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah and btw, you know the boy on the cover, well I've decided that's how Zach looks like. Because that boy looks really Zachy. So I changed the pic a previous chapter of him if you wanna have a look.

- wansari-dragon

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