Lost But Found

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I cried out in exasperation. "Oh, come on!"
That stupid rope wouldn't untie. It was tangled, yes, but my stupid fingers were also disobeying me and no matter how hard I tried to pull apart that knot, it didn't budge.
"Oh God!" The person went underneath again. I could see some blood begin to pool around their flailing arms.
I looked over the Minnie Mouse boat side into the murky water. Dang.
As I dived in head first, I heard Jacob call my name. I called back for him to stay there. I didn't want him, like, jumping in after me or something.
I'm not the best of swimmers, so it was super hard to propel through the rushing water fast. My lungs burned, my heart hammered and I gulped something down at one point, which resulted in me gasping for breath.
Finally I got closer to the figure. I'm gonna say I was squinting because it was getting really dark, and not 'cause I had a bit of water (and an eyelash) in my eye.
Just as I lunged towards the head, something coiled around my leg and I screamed.
"No! Liberty!" I heard Jacob cry as I was pulled into the depths.
I was gonna die. I was so sure I was gonna die. My lungs began to fill with water and my lazy heart had dangerously slowed down. I closed my eyes in pain as lightning coursed through my head. I couldn't see. Blackness was my taunter, lulling me into eternal sleep.
I almost went along and shut off my body when from my barely open eyes I saw a hand throb in my face. Something buzzed through me then and determined, I kicked away the seaweed curling around my ankles and shot up to the surface.
Air has never been so sweet.
"Liberty!" Jacob was crying, but I ignored him, and clung to the rock. As I inhaled deeply, I pulled the person's shoulders back so that they rested on me, then slowly made my way back to the Minnie Mouse boat, constantly whacking my head on floating driftwood.
Jacob clutched my hand tight and pulled as hard as he could. Gasping, I rolled into the boat, then quickly hauled in the person with me.
Then I turned (him?) so I could see (his?) blood covered face.
Immediately, I burst into tears.

Sobbing onto my brother's chest was not how I wanted to find him. At all.

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