Allergic TO My Brother, Allergic WITH My Brother

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First I just wanna thank you guys for being amazing follwers and readers. I cannot BELIEVE MBZ has 1K reads and OVER 100 votes! I mean it's crazy!!! XD LYASM!!!

Abbily in the picture -.-

Comment if you think she has an attitude problem!

Aaaaand here we go! :D


"But wouldn't the school, like, know that you guys were twins?" Farro asked us. Us three were sitting around a high up table talking. Jacob sat by the legs of my stool and played with Farro's cat Elloella.

"Nope," I said. "We both gave different last names when we signed up."

"You mean your parents didn't sign you up?"

"No," Zach said, stretching unnecessarily and practically shoving his muscles in Farro's face. I knew he was doing it to prove he was the stronger one in charge and that Farro should 'just shut up and mind his own business.'

It's called Twin Telekinesis. Unfortunately I've got symptoms which show that this may be strong between me and my brother.

"They're in the FBI," I said. "They're really busy all the time. Luckily they were in Peru at the time of the tsunami, so they're probably still alive."

Zach snorted. "Argentina."



"No, Peru!"

"No, Argen-"

"Guys!" Farro interrupted before things could get out of hand. 

"What?" we snapped at him. 


I took in a deep breath and pulled my hair back. "You're right."

"No you're not," Zach retorted. "I can argue with my sister where I like and whenever I like."

"Zach!" I hissed, blushing. "Idiot! Do you want the whole world to hate us?!"

"It's ok," Farro said, grinning at me. Then he did the worst thing possible at that moment.

"He's just another Abbily."

Prepare for World War Seventeen. 

(Zach and I have already fought World Wars Three and up).

"What did you just say?" Zach said, getting onto his feet and towering over us at a menacing six feet, I think.

"Nothing, he said nothing!" I said, staring in horror at Farro.

Then luckily, Farro's mum came in.

And let me say one thing - she was so sweet that all the sugar in the world couldn't out-sweet her. 

"Hello, honey buns!" she beamed, coming over. Unlike her children, she had thick brown hair bundled into a knot at the top of her head, and piercing blue eyes. She also had wrinkles from years of smiling instead of age, and was a little plump. Mrs Something wore an apron over a tattered magenta dress that said,"Island Mummy." 

"Hello, Mrs..." I trailed, glancing at Farro as I stood up to hug his mother. She enveloped me in a warm hug.

It felt nice. Mum and Dad hugged us with a lot of love too like that but they were usually in posh uniform or suits. I mean...Armani jackets with extra padding that was actually filled with Put-To-Sleep fluids weren't as comfortable as well-worn cotton.

I smiled at her. She was a tiny bit shorter than me. 

"Oh, love, call me Brenda." I nodded, then glared at Zach.

"Umm, hi," he said, extending a hand. Brenda stared at it then laughed just as Abbily came into the room.

"Oh dear, forget the formalities!" she chuckled, then squeezed him too. Zach looked surprised and awkwardly hugged back.

"So, what are your names? Are you both ok? Can I get you anything?"

"I'm Liberty," I said at the exact same time as Zach said,"Food!"

Brenda smiled. "Abbily, get those cookies I made in the kitchen. Hurry up now, there's a good girl." Abbily scowled from where she was sitting braiding her hair and threw her brush, storming off angrily.

Zach whistled. "Someone's optimistic."

Brenda gave him a strained smile. "That's our Abbily for you. She can be incredibly sweet at times, you know, but she finds it difficult to express her feelings." It was then when I noticed that their accents were like a blend of British, Irish and Californian. Huh. Weird and cool.

There was a snort from behind us and we all turned around.

"Oh, shut up, Mum," Abbily said. "Don't waste your breath blabbing about me. You don't know anything." Brenda glared hard at her daughter but took the plate of warm cookies and placed it in the centre of the table. 

"Enjoy! But first, what did you say your name was again, dearie?" she ruffled Zach's hair in a motherly fashion. I giggled when he tried to duck out of the way so she wouldn't mess up his beautiful locks.

Which he doesn't have, by the way!

"Zach," my brother grumbled. "Zach Freedom." 

Abbily snickered.

"That would mean..." she said, sniggering and looking at me with evilness steaming off her face. 

"So you're name would be..." Farro began.

"Liberty Freedom!" Abbily laughed. "What's your middle name, darling? Peace?" She guffawed some more. 

Zach gave me a look that said, wasn't she fine after your talk?

I shook my head. 

"Have a cookie," Farro blurted awkwardly. Zach and I both bit into a big chewy one each.

"Mmm," Brenda said, taking one for herself. "Don't you just love peanut butter?"

"PEANUT BUTTER!" Zach and I spat.

"We're allergic to peanut butter!" he gasped.

Then, at the same time, to each other, "Damn!"


Ok well hope you liked it! 


Teaser: a dragon saves Liberty from a potato.

Lol, ok no I was just joking!

Well, actually I can't give a teaser because I have no idea what's gonna happen! This was kinda a filler chapter btw and I'm sorry for that, but I feel this book doesn't have enough fillers and that I've mostly been stringing you guys with action and cliffhangers.

So it's a change, right?

Well then, see ya! :D

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