The Paper Plane

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I slammed the door of my locker shut and turned around.

The hallway was full of noisy students laughing and talking. I caught a glimpse of Zach knocking shoulders with one of his friends just as Maddie walked up behind me.

"Sigh," she said, with a deep sigh. I turned around to look at her.

"What's up?" I asked as we began to make our way to registration.

"Zach looks so good," she said dreamily, twirling a strand of her mousey brown hair. I felt the urge to gag, but instead quickly replaced it with an eye roll and head shake.

"Girl, you are obsessed," I said. Maddie smiled.

"You do know you'll never be able to pull off our vocab and American accent, right?" she giggled. "You sound hilarious!"

"Hey, kill me for trying," I replied as we paused for a teacher to walk past.

"But gold-tipped hair at the front is just-wow!" Maddie went on.

"You mean hair which looks like someone splattered old yellow paint across."

Maddie stopped to glare at me.

"You have no sense of what real beauty is," she said stubbornly, with a hair flick.

"Of course I do," I answered. "And that is not it." I nodded my head in Zach's direction. He and his friends were a few metres behind us, chatting over each other about some match. I saw Courtney Bates and her posse, the mean girls of the school, desperately try to push their way into his group, but nobody stops my brother - I mean that random guy over there - from talking about sports.

Maddie and I took our seats just as Mr Innes barged into the classroom. He's a good teacher, but scares a lot of us because he's so loud and strict.

"Settle down, lads!" he shouted. Any noise you could hear before died away immediately.

"Jessica," he began, taking the register.

"Ok, you guys can talk now." As soon as he said those sacred words, the class began talking.

"So, how was Lily's party?" I asked Maddie, noisily screeching my chair on the floor as I turned it and earning many groans and "what the heck's".

Ignoring them as usual, I propped my chin on my palm and waited for her answer.

"It was great! She even had Krispy Kreme deliver a special supply of the best doughnuts after we finished swimming! Everyone was there!" she blabbed. "I don't know why you never come to parties. You're so weird."


Well, duh.


"They're not for me," I lied carefully. "Too many people, too much noise." And too much Zach, I thought.

"Whatever!" Maddie exclaimed. "You're unnaturally unsocial. This Friday Felicia is having a costume party before she leaves for the holidays. She's not coming back, so it's gonna be real big!"

I sighed, rapidly thinking of some excuse.

"And you're coming with me!"

I groaned.

"And no, you do not have any major projects, your aunt has not died recently and Pepper is completely alive and not stuck in the oven!"


"Fine." Maddie grinned brightly at me in satisfaction.

"Good girl," she said approvingly. "I'm going as Anna from Frozen. Hey, you should go as Elsa! It will be totally cute!"

My eyes widened in horror and I shook my head fast.

"Oh no. I've agreed to come but I'm not dressing up as Elsa, no matter how much I love Frozen," I stated clearly. "Therefore I shall not-OUCH!" I yelped as something sharp hit my head. I heard a few boys snigger and whipped around in fury.

"Who threw-"

"OMG!" Maddie cried, clutching the - paper plane? - to her chest. Then she leaned in and whispered,"it's from Zach!"

I quickly made eye contact with it and saw it was glaring at me to check. Maddie reluctantly handed me the plane, which I opened and read, we are walking again tonight. Got detention

Really? Who gets detention in the twenty minutes they've been at school?! And not even in lessons!!!

"Why did Zach send you a note?" she whispered, kinda jealously.

Cover, Liberty! Quick!

"Well, it was obviously not meant for me," I said loudly. Then, to Zach and his bunch of oafs,"next time you want to throw a paper aeroplane, throw it at one of your drooling fans, and not someone who would gladly give you a black eye!"

Maddie gasped and hissed,"Liberty!"

"Aw dudes, I threw the plane at that nerd by accident!" Zach said with a laugh. The 'dudes' guffawed with him, one saying,"man, you're losing your touch!"

"Then who were you talking to?" Maddie asked eagerly. I could almost hear her heart hammering out of her chest! Poor girl.

Zach grinned at her. "Sorry, not you, honey." Then he craned his neck and called,"hey, Courtney, come to my house today, yeah?" Courtney smirked at her posse. Half of them, the loyal ones, were gazing up at her in awe and excitement. The other half, the evil ones who just wanted popularity, scowled.

"I dunno..." she trailed, biting her (over-glossed) lip and receiving many gapes and wide-eyes from her crowd.

Oh please. What a fake. She disgusts me.

"I'm kinda busy..."

Being a brat.


I'm not as ugly on the outside as I am on the in.

I mentally giggled, enjoying finishing her sentences.

"I guess I can make it."


"Awesome!" Zach said, winking. Yuck. I heard sighs and Maddie almost swooned.

"Please, Mads! Not you too!" I joked. She punched my arm, making me wince.

The bell rang just then. Great. Now all I had to do was survive through this horrible day, boring, easy lessons and figure out what to do when the most popular girl in the year comes over to my house.

Which she doesn't know is mine.


(That's American, right?)

Hi :)

If you're reading this and like it please comment! Also check out my other book called A Frozen Heart! It's about a girl called Elsa with ice powers, going to an unusual school and discovering she has a long-lost twin sister! It's not a Frozen fanfic, btw. I just used the name.

Bye and Thanks!


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