A Little Bit Of Cereal A Little Bit Of YouTube

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I sat up with a gasp, then whipped my head to my brother beside me.


His chest rose and fell slowly, unevenly, and a couple of times I thought I heard him wheeze.

I stared at him for a while, before reaching over and pulling open the bedside table drawer. A few random books from my last visits had been stuffed in there, as well as a drawing pad, some pencils, and fruit-flavoured Mentos.

I picked out The Fault In Our Stars, sighed, and began reading.


I got home late that night. Dad was on a four day mission in Spain, and Mum was at her friend's, who had just had a baby.

I carefully unlocked the door and slipped inside, just as Abbily brushed past with a wink.

"You've got a little surprise waiting for you," she whispered with a grin, then stepped around me. Before she closed the door, she paused, and said,"I'm gonna stay with Lacey for the night. She's bought The Maze Runner DVD and Louise and Tony and I have to be there in...oh my gosh, twenty minutes! Gotta go!" she gasped, and ran down the street to the bus stop.

I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a clean bowl and filled it to the brim with cereal and cold milk.

I just love cereal. It's like, my most favourite food in the entire world!

Zach and Mum say it isn't real food, but in my opinion, everything edible and as tasty as this can't be called anything else.

I spooned a big bite into my mouth and munched on it all the way to the living room.


"Hi," I said to Farro, who was sitting on the couch watching TV. The massive screen in front of him threw an eerie light on his face.

"Hey," he said, smiling at me. I noticed that when he smiles, one corner lifts up more than the other.

Wait, what?

I stop staring at him and turn red, quickly stuffing my mouth again.

"You're eating cereal for dinner?" Farro asks, and I nod.

Wait for it...

"Cool! I'll get some too."


"Oh, my gosh," I said, beaming. "Finally!"

He went into the kitchen and bought himself a bowlful too. Then we sat in silence, watching a bit of news about that horrible war between Israel and Palestine. When it got too sad and depressing, and when the camera panned quickly away from a bloodied Palestinian baby and over to a smiling American blonde reporter, Farro smashed the remote buttons angrily and I found myself watching an episode of Teen Wolf.

"Um..." Farro said after a while, once the credits rolled by. "Um..."

"Um what?" I asked with a smile. I picked up my bowl and his and went into the kitchen, then turned around.

"Woah!" I exclaimed, almost bumping into him. He was standing in the doorway, blocking my exit completely.

We were so close I could see his tangled eyelashes.

I stepped back quickly, and so did he, embarrassed.

"Do you wanna..." he scratched his head, and I bobbed on my heels.

"Yes?" I said, dreading what was coming next.

"...Do you wanna go to breakfast with me tomorrow?"

I stared at him as he blushed.

"I mean...that was stupid..." he muttered, turning around to leave.

I felt anger rise in my chest, and yanked him around by the shoulder.

"Yes, it was," I snapped. "My brother's on his last stages of cancer, and you ask me..." I didn't even feel like finishing off that sentence.

"Move out my way." I stormed past, making sure to mutter,"desperate," when I was near enough.

Then I ran up to my room, tears trickling down my cheeks.

It was all so unfair.

I collapsed onto my bed, pulling my laptop down with me. Then I tapped Safari and waited for Google to load up.

A few minutes later, I had made a YouTube account with the username YouCantGetMeTsunami.

I shuddered, remembering all my horrible experiences on the island.

I look back to the screen.

Create New Video.

"Hi there, world. My name is Liberty," I began. "I've got a twin brother called Zach, who until a few months ago, I really despised. However, this year, I've survived a tsunami, watched a little boy get swallowed by a volcano, fallen off a cliff, lost..."

I continued, getting angrier and sadder at the same time.

"And now my brother has lung cancer, and he's only got a few days to live. You wouldn't care, obviously. I don't expect you to. Nobody understands. Nobody's been through what I've been through. Nobody." Tears readily dropped from my eyes and onto the keyboard.


"I just needed to tell someone. Sorry for ruining your day." I ended the video, and stuffed my face into my pillow, sobbing my heart out.


In the morning I woke up to three dings.


No, it was Sunday.

I looked around my room suspiciously, then caught sight of my laptop.


I pulled it onto my knees and opened it up.

Seven comments.

I screwed up my forehead, reading through them.

I didn't know anybody would actually end up watching it.

DivergentDiva672 had written, OMG! I feel so sorry for you, hon! xx ;( you made me wanna cry. Was all that real?

I replied with a simple Yes.

I snickered at the next person's username. TomatoTom. Lol.


AllyHeartsYounicorns said He'll get better soon, I promise. Ex oh ex oh.

Chamber817692 commented Poor Zach! My cousin had cancer but he recovered. Hopefully Zach will get better too! And OMG I'm so sorry for you!!!!!!!!!! Did you really watch that little kid die?!

I read through the final few comments, answering some.

Then I closed the lid and lay back down again.

Suddenly my phone whistled and I shot my head up, grabbing it off the table.


My heart slowed down as I tapped the Messages icon, my body filling with dread.

He's gonna be alright!!! :)

I screamed, then burst into tears.


Hey there and sorry for the super bad chapter! Kinda needed a filler to get somewhere.

Question: What username would you make up if you were going to post a video like Liberty's?

Remember to vote, comment and follow!!!!

Bye! :D

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