Close Shave

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"What the-?"

Courtney and I stood staring at each other, wide eyed.

Oh My Gosh. Oh My Gosh. Oh My Gosh Oh My Gosh OHMYGOSH.

"Zach, this random gross thing just climbed into your house!" Courtney suddenly shrieked. I heard footsteps and then in a few seconds he was standing in my room. At first, Zach looked shocked. Then scared. Then angry. Really angry.

"What the heck?!" he exclaimed. "What are you, and what are you doing in my house?"

I bit my lip and ran through the many excuses and plans I had come up with quickly.
"Splin geck tubble rennovi," I said, surprising myself. Courtney looked creeped out. I smiled mentally and continued. "Tagalacki knock flub noo."

"I don't think she speaks English," Courtney whispered to Zach. I could have laughed. She actually believed my act! Well, I knew she was dumb, and would NEVER remember me from school, but I didn't realise she was this shallow!

"Yeah, you're right. She's probably some kind of urchin or something," Zach said, and went over to the window. He lifted it open and gestured.

"Out. Now."

I made myself look confused. "Blan mo?"

He sighed exasperatedly, then dragged me over to the window and made me climb back out. Because I had had so much practice, I was able to easily lower myself onto the nearby branch, then jump off. I could feel Courtney and Zach watching me as I ran in a random direction across the wide road, shaking my head so my dark hair went wild and crazy.

"Does this kind of thing usually happen around here?" I faintly heard Courtney ask.

I didn't, however, hear Zach's reply.

Mostly because I was too busy staring at the flashing headlights of a car zooming towards me.



I screamed and waited for the pain.


I slowly opened an eye.

A bright red car was inches away from my face. The only thing between us was a large and very smelly dustbin.

I looked around, breathing heavily. The front of the car had been crumpled up, like crinkly red foil. The driver inside had stepped out and reached a hand out to me.
"Thank you," I said, grasping his clean one in my muddy and bloody one.
"Oh, don't thank me," he said, rubbing his balding head. "Thank that young man over there. He saved your life."

I turned to see Zach breathing very heavily and staring at us. His arms were out a little, as if he had just hurled something, and sweat poured down his face. Courtney stood behind him, looking scared and worried.



Then she shocked me. Courtney Bates, popular girl of Dallicer High, known for her money and meanness, began running towards me.

Ok, well not running, but the closest possible thing you can do in super high-heeled Jimmy Choos.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok?" she gasped, grabbing my hands. Then she gave me a genuine hug.

Aliens, bring back the real Courtney! This new one is just too weird!

"Sleg," I nodded. She then stood back and gave me a small smile.

"You know, you really shouldn't be running around like that. And you should thank Zach for saving you."

I looked back at the boy who was still standing frozen. He looked shocked, scared and relieved at the same time.

"Thankoo," I called, then began slowly towards him

When I was close enough, I turned and began to walk the other way.

Only I would have heard the quiet,"Don't do that to me again."

Only he have heard the quiet,"You're not supposed to care."

And only I would have heard the quiet,"I don't know why, but I do."

My Brother ZachWhere stories live. Discover now