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Ever heard of the girl that has been through hell, and is still in hell?


Oh, well, that's because she doesn't talk about her life. Besides the events that happen to her that is played out in public. She never talks about her family life, her personal thoughts, or anything, for that matter. She stays to herself. And has maybe one friend.

Well. That girl is me.

My life is literally a series of unfortunate events (nothing to do with the tv show). Ever since the day my biologicalmother died, my life has never been good.

My father remarried to a woman named Coralie. Coralie came off as a really nice lady. I was okay with her marrying my dad. I mean, it did take my father five years to finally marry her. But two years to get over my mom.

But once the marriage planning started and the big day started coming closer, she became aggressive. And mentally abusive.

She called me names to put me down. She made sure I never smiled. She wouldn't even let me be apart of the wedding.

Of course, my father had no idea, and still has no idea. Coralie told my father that I'd rather watch the wedding than be in the wedding. He asked me if I wanted to be in it, but Coralie was standing behind him shooting daggers at me. So, I shook my head.

I could handle the mental abuse, but once it got physical, I felt trapped. I didn't know what to do. She still abuses me, but only when father is at work.

It hasn't gotten better, and it won't until the day I turn 18, when I can leave. Thankfully, I'm 17 and a half. Just six more months left to go.

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