Chapter four

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I walked through the hallways of the school in attempt to avoid Ace and make it to my locker and first period safely.

But avoiding Ace was hard. And I failed every time.

"Hey whore," he said as he walked up to me. "Hope you slept horribly."

I shrugged and looked down.

"What? Don't make eye contact?" He said while grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. "I have something to show you," he smirked evilly.

"Ryan!" He called.

Ryan Hanes came merging from the crowd that had formed around us.

"Show her the video." Ace walked around to the back side of me and held my head straight so I had to look at Ryan's phone screen.

It popped up a video of me. The video of me all dressed up in a light pink dress and ready for a date.

The date I was supposed to go on with Ryan that turned into some sick joke.

The video showed Ryan and Blake taunting me and laughing at me for thinking it was an actual date.

I didn't notice anyone record a video. But apparently someone was in Tyler's car in the back recording and they had a window down for audio.

And I'm assuming that person was Ace on Ryan's phone.

I should've known.

I ripped from Ace's grip and walked calmly but quickly away from him.

I walked to the hadicapped bathroom-my Favorite bathroom-and went in.

Apparently I don't know how to lock doors because about five minutes of me sitting on the bathroom floor with my head in my hands, someone walked in.

"Just ignore them," Tyler said as I looked up.

Tyler sat crossed legged in front of me.

"How can I ignore them when they bother me everyday? They are everywhere. I can't go a single day without them doing something. Even when I skip school, they text me mean messages. I can't get away." Tears pricked at the back of my eyes as I choked them back. I didn't want to cry in front of Tyler, one of the popular boys.

Tyler stayed silent.

"Why are you even here? I have never talked or interacted with you. Why now?"

"You looked like you needed someone," He said bluntly but with a little sincerity in his voice.

I looked him in the eye and said the only lie I could, "I don't need anyone."

And with that, he nodded and stood up, and walked out.

Leaving me alone.



School was over and I wanted to go anywhere but home. So I stayed at the library to study.

I had a history project that needed done. It was due tomorrow and I didn't have much left, but it was enough to make me stay after.

I got settled at an empty table and pulled out my history book.

I started working on the project that was now scattered across the entire table.

"Anna, right?" A girl with long brown hair sat down across from me at the table.

"Who asks?" I say, suspiciously.

"Me, silly," the girl laughed and cleared her throat after, going serious. "I'm Sara."

"Well, I'm Anna," I said and nervously laughed. "Not to sound rude, but, can I help you?"

"You just seemed lonely," she said kindly

I shrugged.

I am lonely.

What harm could actually happen from getting a friend?

"I just don't have friends," I said quietly.

"You're the one that gets harassed by Ace, right?" She asked.

"Y-yeah," I choked.

"He posted that video of you. You looked really nice. I'm so sorry Ryan did you like that," she said softly.

"Thanks," I managed to quietly say.

"Well, I have to go. My mom's outside waiting for me. We should be friends. Give me your phone?"

I nodded and handed her my phone after unlocking it.

She took it and typed a few things in.

She sat it back down and smiled at me before walking away and out of the library.

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