Chapter two

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I like to think that one day, all the bullying in the world would stop.

I like to think that one day all the bullying towards me would stop.

"You gonna fight back?" Ace said harshly with his forearm across my collar bone, pinning me to my locker.

"Please, let me go," I breathed.

"HEY! BREAK IT UP!" Principal Devin said as he approached us.

Ace pushed one last hard push into my collar bone before unpinning me.

"I'm not finished, whore." 


Whore was his favorite name for me.

Ever since I turned his offer for sex down one time, I became his victim.

His bully victim.

Ever since grade nine. I was bullied by him. And each year, it got worse. This year-senior-was the first year he got physical; slamming me into lockers, pushing me to the ground, slapping me across my face, if you can name it, he did it.

Freshman year was just child's play, just name calling.

Sophomore and junior year was embarrassment. He would dump food on me, spread rumors, trip me. Basically anything that he knew would embarrass me.

Everyone else stood back and watched it all happen.

No one helped me.

I was alone.

I don't even have a bestfriend-or even a friend for that matter.

I choked back my tears and picked up my backpack that was now flung to the ground, the contents spilling.

I reached and picked up the mess quickly, still holding back the tears.

Once the mess was cleaned and everything was back into my bag, I got up, and went to the Handicapped bathroom that fit only one person in.

It was a small bathroom with only one toilet and one sink. It was like a half bathroom that you'd find in a house.

I sat my bag against a wall and placed my hands onto the sink and stared at myself in the mirror.

Don't cry.

Please, don't cry.

I fought back the tears.

My aunt told me once to never cry in public. Because it proved to the bully that they were getting to me and it satisfied them to see me hurt.

She told me to keep myself together in public and cry at home.

Right now, I was fighting like a soldier in a war. The tears were just threatening to pour out and I knew that if they did, they wouldn't stop.

"Anna," a male voice breathed out.

I looked up to see Tyler in the reflection of the mirror.

He was leaning against the back wall.

I turned around to look at him.

"A-are you Okay?" He asked.

"I'm...great," I said, masking over my pain.

"You don't look great," he said. "I-I mean you look fabulous, physically, but mentally you look tired."

I chuckled a deep chuckle. "I am tired."

When I said I was tired, i didn't just mean sleepy tired. I'm tired of everything.

I'm tired of being bullied and everyone else watching instead of helping.

I'm tired of Coralie beating me.

I'm tired of not having anyone.

I'm tired of being alone.

"Why didn't you say anything the other night?" I asked.

He just shrugged.

"I'm gonna go. We shouldn't be seen leaving this bathroom together. People will say stuff," he said, avoiding my question.

I scoffed. "Yeah. We don't want people saying that the quarterback on the football team was sleeping with the loser girl."

"Anna, you know that's not what I mean."

"Just go."

As much as he needed to leave, I didn't want him to. I wanted someone to care and even though I knew he didn't, just someone to talk to would've been great.

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