Chapter six

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"You're racing tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, how do you think I can afford this car? And if you hear police sirens, find my car and get in. These races are illegal and we can get into a lot of trouble," Tyler explained.

"You're joking, right?" I laughed nervously.

"He's dead serious," Sara said.

I sat back into the seat hoping it would swallow me whole.

"Don't look too scared, these races hardly ever get busted," Tyler attempted to reassure me.

We pulled off the gravel road we were on and into grass. The place around us was covered in sports cars and girls in little clothing and a lot of guys.

The tracks were down a little hill and were had a few stadium lights.

We all got out of the car and as soon as I stepped out, Tyler grabbed me and pulled me to his side. He rested his hand on the small of my back.

"Why does this look so legal, if it's actually illegal?" I asked.

"Well, Tony, the guy who runs this place, mfound this and cleaned it up and now has secret illegal races," Tyler explained.

"You two come here often," I asked.

"Every other Friday," Sara replied.

I nodded and we began walking forward.

"Evens," a guy who looked in his late twenties said. Tyler let go of me and did a little bro hug with the guy.

"Tony," Tyler said.

"You racing tonight?" tony asked tyler.

"Of course. Has anyone placed a request to race me?"

"Many. There's Bryce Williams, Nick Steins, oh! And your buddy Ace wants to," tony explained and I physically tended when I hear Ace's name.

Ace is here.

"Tyler! Let's race dude," his voice sounded and then echoed in my head. "Woah, why's Whore here?"

Tylers' jaw tightened before replying to Ace, "she came with Sara."

"Whore has friends?" Ace asked.

"Hey! Quit calling her whore. It's not nice," Sara defended and game my arm a little squeeze.

"I'm not nice," Ace said.

"Okay guys, let's just get a race started, shall we?" Tony said. "Bets or money?"

"Money," Tyler spoke.

"4 grand," Ace said.

"Alright, hand over the money. Winner leaves with 8 grand," Tony said as he held his hands out.

Tyler reached into the pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out a white envelope and handed it to tony. Ace stuck his hand out to Ryan who apparently magically appeared out of no where because I didn't notice him until now. Ryan pulled out an envelope and handed it to Ace, then Ace handed it to Tony.

"Let's race!" Tony shouted after counting the money and making sure all was there.

Tyler turned to Sara and I. "Sara, go find a spot to watch. Keep her safe," he whispered the last part.

Sara turned towards me and smiled, grabbed my hand, and walked me to the hill that sat next to the race track.

"Tyler Evens versus Ace Hart!" The speaker boomed as the two cars pulled up side by side on the drag strip.

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