Chapter five

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"You're late," Coralie said as I attempted to quietly close the front door.

My plan was to sneak in quietly, get to my room, and lock my door. She can't get in when my door's locked. I'm safe when it's locked.

"I know, I'm sorry. I stayed after at the library to finish up my history project," I explained in attempt to get out of my daily beating.

She laughed a very bitter laugh as she pulled the cigarette she was smoking away from her mouth and exhaled the smoke.

"Come here," she said deep and harsh. 

I followed her command and came to her. I stayed back at least ten feet to keep distance.

She stood up and closed the distance between us.

"You know what happens when you're late," the words rolled off her tongue and withought hesitation, she reached her hand up.

"Don't. You. Touch. Her." A rough and angry voice said, stopping her midway slap. We both froze and looked over to me my father, standing with fire and rage burning in his eyes.

"Get. Out." He hissed. "Coralie. Get out," he said more calmly, trying to keep himself from attacking Coralie right there.

"Listen, hon, we can talk about this. I-I wasn't going to hit her, she had something in her hair.

"I said GET OUT CORALIE! GET A BAG, GET SOME STUFF, AND LEAVE!" Dad shouted and I jumped like 50 feet in the air out of fear.

Coralie immediately walked away and up the stairs.

"I'm so sorry I didn't listen sooner," dad said calming down and coming closer to me. "I'll file for a divorce. No matter how much I love that woman, no one, and I mean no one, hurts my child."

"Thanks Dad. Please, go through with this divorce. Don't let her stay," I said as I physically felt a pain in my chest.

Dad didn't say anything but he let go of me.

"Go on. Go to your room," he said.

It's as if he couldn't make it a promise.

So is she leaving or?



Hey! It's Sara, is the Anna?

That's me.

What's up?

Just chillin at home.

Fun. Fun.

Yeah. Wbu?

Hanging with Tyler.

You friends with him?

Nope. He's my brother

Woah, wait, really? I didn't know that.

Tyler Evans, Sara Evans? Lol

Oh! Lol I never even noticed the last name relation! Lol I'm dumb.

Lol it's cool. Most people don't know we're sibling because I'm not popular like he is and the last name Evans is a popular last name so no one ever thought we were related.

Wow lol.

Hey, Tyler and I are about to go to a drag race. Wanna come?

Um, yeah sure. What time?

Can you be ready in 30 minutes?

Depends. What should I wear?

Black jeans, black combat boots or black pumps. A grey T-shirt and do you have a black leather jacket?

Yes. So what time?

We'll be at your house in thirty minutes. I'll leave you alone to get ready! See you soon!!



I plugged my phone up and got out what she said. A pair of black jeans, grey shirt, leather jacket, and I decided on black pumps.

I threw the outfit on and started with makeup. I went simple but I still looked good.

I went down stairs and waited on the porch swing. Soon enough, a loud roar came down the street and Tyler's black Dodge Charger stopped on the side of the street.

I quickly made my way to the car and I climbed into the back seat.

"Hey!" Sara said as soon as I opened the door.

"Hi!" I replied back.

Tyler didn't say anything. I noticed his jaw was clenched as we made eye contact in the riview mirror but he quickly looked away.

I looked back at Sara with a questioning look and nodded towards Tyler.

"Oh! It took a lot of convincing to get Tyler to let you come with us. Something about keeping you— OWW!" She began but was cut off when Tyler elbowed her in the arm.

"Okay then," I forced a giggle.

"Oh, by the way, super cute outfit!" Sara said and winked at me.

"Thanks, your outfit is cute too," I said in a girly teenage voice, making it sound like I don't have any problems and my life is absolutely perfect.

"Thanks," Sara said before she reached over and turned on music. She had the aux and was playing "Feels Great" by Fetty Wap. The bass was insane.

"You have Subs?" I said over the music.

"Hell yeah," Tyler smirked.

"This is dope af. I low key love your car, Tyler," I said plastering a smirk across my face, mirroring his facial expression.

"It's a great car," he said rubbing the dash.

"Boys and their cars," Sara and I said in sync. Tyler plastered a fake scared face as Sara and I giggled.

"That was not creepy at all," Tyler said but soon joined in with our laughter.

"Just wait until you see him race tonight," Sara smirked.

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