Chapter one

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"Anna!" A male voice shouted at me from across the crowded hall.

I came to a halt and turned around, only to see my crush of 3 years running towards me. Yep. Ryan Hanes is running towards me.

"Ryan," I breathed as he came closer.

"Hey, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date tonight," he said coolly, not stuttering one bit.

I froze to my spot. Did my crush just ask me on a date?

"I, uh, um, ye, ooh, um," I stuttered.

"You okay Anna?" He asked while chuckling.

"I, im f-fine," I managed to spit out.

"So. Date tonight? Pick you up at eight?"

I nodded. He shot me a glamorous smile and kissed my cheek quickly before disappearing into the crowd of other students.

I stood there, stunned.

Maybe things are gonna get better?


I was ready for the date. It was now 7:55 and I was sitting in my living room, in a pale pink casual dress with black heels. I had light makeup on and I just had my hair pulled back into a pony but I curled the ends to spice it up a little.


It's 8:30. And He's not here. Ryan isn't here.

This was too good to be true. I knew it.

Suddenly I seen head lights pull into our driveway. I jumped up and went outside, but only to see Ryan, Blake, and Tyler laughing while leaning against Tyler's car.

"Did you seriously think I was gonna take you on a date?" Ryan laughed out.

"Just look at her, all dressed up. She actually looked nice. Jokes on her though," Blake laughed too.

"Look," Ryan said as he walked to me. His eyes turned from a bright ocean blue color to a deep, dark blue color. "No one would ever want to date you. So what made you think I would?"

His voice was low, harsh. Each word stabbed me in the heart. I fought back tears that threatened to just pour out.

"Look! She's gonna cry!" Blake laughed.

The only thing I noticed was Tyler was still leaned up against the car, staring at the ground, with regret written all over his face.

"Tyler," I whispered to myself, only I heard because Tyler didn't look up and the boys continued to laugh.

"Come on, let's go," Blake said.

"Bye, loser."

Tyler glanced at me with a sorry look and climbed into his black Dodge Charger.

With a roar, they zoomed down the street.

I stood there. Letting the tears prick the back of my eyes until I finally gave in and let them fall.

"GET YOUR A$$ IN HERE RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE SLUT!" Coralie yelled from the house.

I shut my eyes tightly before opening them again and turning around, walking to the house.

As soon as I got inside, Coralie grabbed me and threw me to the floor.

"Where were you going, you little whore?" She threw a punch that landed right on my face.

One thing about Coralie, she fought like a man.

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