chapter thirteen

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"I had fun tonight. Thank you,"I said, smiling before opening the door.

"Hey, uh, Anna?" Tyler said before I began to get out of the car.

"Sara, me and a few friends are going out tomorrow for lunch. You should come."

"Sure. What time and where?"

"One and at Lolita's. Ever been there?"

"No, but I've drove past it a bazillion times."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow," He smiled.

"See you," I smiled back and got out of his car. I made my way to the front door and quietly opened it.

"You're back." Coralie said.

The entire house was dark so i though she was asleep or gone. But she was hiding.

"I've been waiting for you," She said.

"How kind," I replied with sarcasm laced in my voice.

"Don't start your attitude with me. It'll only make your punishment worse."

"You are not going to punish me," I blurted before I began to sprint up the stairs.

Before I could even get halfway up, I was pulled back and I smacked my head on a step.

"The hell if you aren't." Coralie's voice boomed.

She then drug me back down the stairs and all the energy I had, left my body and I laid there, letting her hit me. letting her kick me.

Letting her hurt me.

I didn't have any energy or adrenaline to even attempt to fight back like when I did with Ace.

Once she decided she was done, she laughed and said, "Goodnight."

I laid there on the floor in a ball for about 20 minutes.

Once I was sure she had finally fell asleep, I weakly got up and made my way up the stairs. I walked into the bathroom and pulled off my shirt. The large mirror in front of me reflected my forming bruises and cuts. My head had blood running down the side of it, where I assume is from when I smacked it on the steps.

I gently cleaned it myself and he rest of the cuts. I filled the bath tub up with warm water and laid in it.

I sunk myself down into the water, letting it cover my face.

What would happen if I was to let go? Let my mouth open and let myself breathe in all the water, letting my lungs fill with liquid?

What did I have left to live for?

Both of my parents are dead. I only have two friends. I get abused everyday, If not by Coralie, then by Ace. None of my other family relatives want to reach out to me or even help me. Everyone sits and watches Ace bully me.

I would grow up and live by myself because who would possibly love a girl like me?

The only thing I have left to look forward to anymore is turning 18. I get the house, my inheritance from my parents. Sure, I will have money and a house already, but Coralie won't stop. She will always be there, trying to find ways to get their money and this house.

I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel, going around and around in circles, never finding an end. And what I mean by an end, I mean an end to all this constant pain.

Everyone says that the pain comes before the happiness, but when is the happiness ever going to arrive?

I've put up with this pain for most of my life and I am so tired of it.

My body subconsciously pulled itself back up, out of the water. I began gasping for air.

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