Chapter twelve

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I waited outside on my porch for Tyler and Sara. I wasn't going to stay inside with Coralie. Not happening.

I was playing on my phone when Tyler's beautiful car pulled over next to my house.

I locked my phone and put it in my little satchel I was bringing.

I reached the car and opened the passenger door because I didn't see anyone in it.

"Where's Sara?" I asked as soon as I got in.

"She's not coming tonight. She's going to Brett's," Tyler explained.


"He's an older boy. He graduated last year. Our families are close."

"Oh. So just you and me?"

"Yep," he smiled. "I hope that's okay."

"Yeah it's fine. Just as long as you're not planning to kidnap me or dump me in a ditch in the middle of nowhere."

He laughed. "I'd never do that."

"You know, I've actually been left in the middle of nowhere before," I said.

"What the heck. By who?" His tone completely changed.

"The lovely Coralie."

"Man, that gives me another reason to hate that woman."

"Okay, just looking at her should make you hate her," I laughed.

"True," he replied.

we both laughed at the same time. And then an akward silence filled the air for about ten minutes before he broke it.

"How are things at home? I mean, I know you're not there often anymore, but when you are, how is it?"

"Well, Coralie is drinking, as you know. I try to stay out of her way as much as possible. She's only hit me twice since she started drinking."

He sighed.

"Anything else?"

I hesitated and he definetly noticed I did. "N-nope."

"You sure?"


"Tyler, I'm serious. I'm okay."

"Okay, Okay."

We pulled into the grass of the tracks. The place was crowded, like the last time I came here.

we got out and immediately Tyler walked next to me and grabbed my hand. I looked up at him confused.

"Since Sara isn't here I have to make sure you stay safe," He said with a shrug.

"Are you racing tonight?" I asked.

"Yes. And are you comfortable with racing with me?"

My eyes got wide, "is that even allowed?"

"Sure it is. so, race with me?"

"Promise you won't kill me?"

"Wear your seatbelt and you will be grand," he smiled.

"Lord keep me safe," I quietly prayed to myself.

He laughed and tugged me forward. 'Lets go find Tony."

Once we had found Tony, We asked who all has requested to raceTyler.

"Brad, Harold, Nicholas, and Holten," Tony read off.

"Holten," Tyler said.

"Okay. I'll have him found here soon. Is she racng with you?" Tony asked while motioning towards me.

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