Chapter ten

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the past couple of weeks have been hard. I've done nothing but try to dodge Coralie. I have been staying over at Tyler's and Sara's house a lot lately. Their mom has opened her home to me. One day we sat down at the table with her and told her what's going on in my life and she felt bad. Thankfully, she believed me about Corlie. But she did't look like she believed me when I told her aboutCoralie confessing about hiring a hit man to kill my father.

Ah, my father. I wish he was still here. He might have been able to stop Coralie. Maybe. I doubt it, but things would definetely be different.

Coralie has taken up a hobby of being an alcholic. Once I figured out why she started drinking, I died of laughter.

She's an alcholice because her plan didn't go the way she wanted.

A week after the court meeting we had, my Aunt Billie had found a piece of paper in a shoebox while she was gathering the things she wanted. The piece of paper consited of a will.

My father's will.

In the note he stated that he wanted all his money to go to me, even if he had remarried.

The note was written after my mom had passed away and he went through his suicidal phase.

Since aunt Billie found the note, she took it straight to the court and the judge found it neccessary to go by the will, no matter how old it was.

So Coralie got mad that she basically was getting nothing, and took up the hobby of drinking.

on another note: I turn eighteen in two weeks! so that means I'm almost free of Coralie's guardianship.

Nowlets see what trouble Coralie can cause in two weeks.


I walked into the halls of the school for the first time since my dad had passed. and immidiately, Ace was coming at me.

"First, motherless, then Fatherless. And now you're stuck with an alcholic step mom. that is literally the funniest story I've ever heard," he said while laughing evilly.

"Jesus can you just leave me alone for once? Gosh, Ace, seriously what have I ever done to you?"

"You know what you did," he whispered in my ear.

I did something I never thought i could. I pushed him. It was a small act, but it felt good.

but it backfired because he pushed me back, just ten times harder and I went flying into a locker.

"Now who's all tough?" He said before spitting on the ground dangerously close to me.

after the crowd and Ace left, I picke myslef up, again. i dusted off my butt and grabbed my bag. I wiped the single tear that I let slip out, off of my face.

I made my way to the office.

"Hi, I'm Anna Arnolds," I began. "I'm here to checkmy attendance."

"I am so sorry for your loss. let me pull up your file," the secretary said. "Okay, your attendance is at 83%."

"Um," I choked."What does it need to be at for me to graduate?"

"90%. But I can try to reason with the principal to give you an exception."

"Please, That would be great."

"I will try."

"Thank you," I said before exiting the office and heading to my first period.

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