Chapter eight

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Bright lights blurred my vision. I immediately shut my eyes again with a new headache reaching the left side of my head.

"Anna, I'm Rylie, your nurse. You're going to be okay. Do you know where you are?" A female voice asked.

I groaned in response. Everything hurt. My head, my arms, my legs. Everything.

"No," I managed to get out.

"Do you know what happened?" She asked.

"No," I croaked.

I was slowly opening my eyes but the lights were just way too bright.

"Okay, well, you were recently involved in a car accident. You're going to be okay."

"Bright," I said.

"Oh, are the lights too bright? I'll dim them," she said.

I opened my eyes again and the lights were dimmed.

"I'm going to get Doctor Zullilah. She needs to run a few tests," Rylie said. "Who are your parents?"

I didn't say anything. I didn't want my parents to know I wrecked my brand new Range Rover. God, dad will be so mad. Coralie will literally put me six feet under.

"Honey, I need to know who your parents are so I can contact them. You're under 18," she said.

"Matthew and Coralie Arnolds," I winced.

"Thank you dear," she said before disappearing.

The doctor soon came in.

"Hi I'm Dr. Zullilah. You'll be under my care. You got into a car accident. A drunk driver slammed into the side of your car. You were hit on your left side, but you're not paralyzed. Now, if you weren't wearing your seatbelt, you would've been flung out of the car. Smart choice on wearing it. Now let's run some tests," she said and began sticking things on me and drawing blood.

"Your father is Matthew Arnolds, yes?" She asked.

I nodded.

"He's a good man. Him and his wife are on their way."

I nodded again.

I was in some serious pain. I couldn't bear to move.

"Okay. Let's get an X-ray on those fingers," she said while pulling a little screen thing over and laying it above my hand.

That was only when I noticed my index and middle finger was purple and blue, almost black and they were hurting horribly.


"Just what I thought, they're broken," Dr. Zullilah said as she looked at my chart and walked into my room two hours after my X-ray.

"Are my parents here?" I asked.

"Coralie is. Now let's get your fingers into a cast. I'll be right back. Coralie wants to talk to you." 

"I don't want to talk to her,"I said.


"I don't want any visitors right now,"I spat out the only lie I could think of.

"Well, your parents are allowed in here during visiting hours and there is nothing we can do to stop them. And it is visiting hours."

"She is not my mother. i do not want her in here until my father gets here," I croaked, praying she wouldn't let Coralie in here.

"She is legally your guardian since your biological mother is,"

"Dead," I finished.

"I have to let her in," she said.

"Please, don't let her in," i said as my vision went blurry with tears.

"What has she done that makes you not like her?" her voice softened.

"I'm afraid of her," my voice cracked.

"why? She seems like a perfectly nice woman."

"I'm sorry doctor, she wouldn't stop hounding," Rylie said as she came in with Coralie behind her.

"It's okay, nurse Rylie.we will leave you two to it."

I literally felt my heart break as they left the room, leaving me with Coralie.

"Well, well, well. Good job. you managed to wreck your beautiful new car. Just wait until your father gets here," She laughed evilly. "Ugh!" she shouted. "You should have just died in that stupid wreck!"

my eyes began to flood with tears.

Just then booms filled the hospital. i froze and so did Coralie. We both looked to the window on the door and seen dad running towards. then another boom went off and dad flew to the floor as blood splattered the window. Coralie and I both screamed in sync.

"Intruder'" The intercom repeated.

I just witnessed my father die.

My father is dead.

I'm stuck with Coralie.

Oh My God.

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