chapter fourteen

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Time: 12:01

The next morning was painful.

My entire body was completely sore from last night.

I felt like I couldn't even get up from my bed.

But I did.

Just like I always do after nights like that.

I walked to my bathroom and examined all the bruises. They were bad. Like usual. But I had one problem that worried me the most: the giant cut on my forehead.

Tyler expected me to go eat lunch with him and Sara and his friends. What are they going to say when they see my head? I mean, I could just tell them that I tripped going up the stairs at my house. But Tyler and Sara would know that is a lie because they know what Coralie does.

But no time to think. I had to cover the pain up.

I reached into the medicine cabinet and popped three tylenol and got out my concealer.

I decided that there is no way I can cover my cut because if I put makeup on it, it would just make it look more noticable.

Makeup can't cover everything.

I applied concealer under my eyes to cover my dark circles. I applied some mascara and filled in my brows with a brow pencil that was still too light for my eyebrows to even notice I filled them in.

I took a step back and decided I looked okay and I would just have to explain everything to Sara and Tyler later.

Once I changed my outfit, I headed out to the door as quiet as possible.

I, thankfully, succeeded.

I got into my beloved range rover and started it up and began driving down the street.

I reached Lolita's by 12:56. Tyler and Sara was there with two other people I didn't recognise.

"Anna!" Sara shouted and fastly walked to me, embracing me in a hug.

"Sara! It feels like it's been forever since I've seen you," I laughed.

"Sorry I didn't go last night. Did you have fun though?"

"Yes. I had a heart attack, But yes, I had fun."

"Good! Now, You have people to meet," she said while dragging me to the table with Tyler and two others.

"Anna," Tyler nodded.

"Tyler," I nodded back while smiling.

"Anna, this is Silvia and Rory. They are twins and go to the academy outside of town," Sara explained.

"Oh, Is that the one you have to have some sort of talent to get into?" I asked.

Rory smiled and laughed then hung his head. "Yes. I am an art student. Silvia is a dance student."

"That's super cool," I smiled.

Silvia nodded in response.

"Let's have lunch, shall we?" Rory said.

"Hey, Anna, what happened to your head?" Tyler asked.

"Fell," I shrugged.

"ouch, are you okay?" Silvia said.

I looked over at Tyler and Sara and they were giving me this look. A stupid sympathetic look. The look I didn't want to see.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just tripped while going up the stairs. It was dark and I was running. Missed a step and completely face planted," I lied through my teeth.

"Ouch. You gotta be more careful," Rory said.

"What can I say? I'm clumsy."

And there was that look again. I knew I had explaining to do later. But right now, I just want to enjoy a peaceful lunch.


We finished lunch around two.

We said our goodbyes to Silvia and Rory. I told Sara and Tyler goodbye also.

I got into my car and rested my head on the steering wheel. I seriously need a vacation. Or a break. I just want away.

"You have some explaining to do," Tyler said as he climbed into the backseat of my car and Sara into the front.

I looked up and seen that Silvia and Rory's car was gone.

I sighed before I began explaining.

Once I had everything explained, the car was silent. Not a peep from Sara or Tyler.

"Say something," I whispered.

"Anna, you can't live like this anymore," Sara said.

"I only have a couple days left until I'm eighteen. Then she will be forced to move out and I will have a lot money. I just have to survive the next couple days," I explained.

"She could kill you within those couple of days," Sara said.

"She won't."

"You're staying at our house until then," Tyler practically demanded.

"No, Tyler, I will be okay. It is only a few days."

"Anna," Tyler said with a sharp tone.

"No, Tyler. I have been through hell with this woman.She has attempted murder towards me and I lived. I think I can make it a few more days." I said in a harsh tone. Now that it was out, I felt bad.

"Anna, we're just trying to help," Sara softly said.

"I know. I'm sorry for getting hostile. It's just, I don't know," I shrugged.

"We will see you later. Be safe, please. Bye love," Sara said. She leaned over and gave me a brief hug and then looked at Tyler. Tyler sighed and opened his door. They both climbed out and went to there own car.

I sat my head on the steering wheel again and let out a deep breath.

Once I calmed my nerves I started my car and headed back to my house. I pulled into the dive way and got out. I braced myself for whatever Coralie was going to throw at me. literally.

I walked into the house. When I looked around I was quite shocked.

Coralie had boxes all over the living room.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You turn 18 soon. I have to leave. So I need to be ready to leave," she explained.

"Okay then,"I replied.

Coralie seemed sober so I felt a little relieved. She was a lot more scary when she was drunk. But being sober doesn't change the fact that she can still hurt me.

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