Chapter sixteen

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Tyler's POV

You don't get to chose who you fall in love with. It just happens. It's like when you meet that certain person for the first time, there's this spark that just flows through you. You can't tame it or stop it. And that how I felt when I first laid eyes on Anna.

Ever since the first time I actually seen Anna, it's been there and it's killing me, hiding all these feelings. Sometimes I'll catch myself in a situation with her and I'll have to pull away before I do something stupid.

As Anna lays on that hospital bed, that monitor beeping to the beat of her heart, all I can think about is the last thing I said to her.

"I love you."

I wonder if she heard me or not. But if I knew she was planning on attempting suicide, I would've told her way sooner.

"Visiting hours are over," a nurse said, while resting her hand on my shoulder.

"You look a little young to be a nurse," I stayed.

"I'm still in school. I'm 19."


"Well, you have to leave."

"I'm the only one here for her. Her step mom doesn't care about her. Let me stay," I practically demanded.

"I'll go see what I can do. What's your name?"

"Tyler Evans."

"And you're her...?"

"Boyfriend," I spat out, but that was incorrect, so I quickly corrected myself. "Friend. I'm just her friend."

"Sounds complicated." She laughed and walked out.

I let out a sigh. I looked back at Anna. Her body laid still with her eyes shut. Her chest softly moving up and down as the machine forced her to breathe.

What could I have done to save her? Or stopped her? I should've been there sooner. I shouldn't have let her stay at her house. I should've picked her up and carried her to my car and drove to my house.

There's so much that I could've done to save her.

But i didn't.

Instead, I watched her get bullied.

I watched her heart get crushed that night Ryan was supposed to take her out on a date.

I watched as Ace hurt her.

I sat back and watched.

Just like everyone else.

"You can stay," the nurse from earlier said.

"Thanks," I replied.

"You should go get some food. The food here really isn't that bad. Here, take this. The hospital gives $10 to patient's families," she said and handed me a little blue card. "Come on, I'll take you to the cafeteria."

"I just want to stay here. With her."

"Okay, I'll just have someone bring you food. What would you like?"

"Just whatever. I'm not a picky eater."

"Okay," she said and left.

Anna looks peaceful. And at ease. It's almost like if she would be to actually die, her peace of mind would be calm. And she's be happy.

But is that seriously what she wanted?

She wanted to let go. Of all the pain. She was so close to her actual life beginning. College and her own family were so close. And she just let go.

What if I stayed a little longer with her in the bathroom at school?

What if I actually did something the night Ryan was supposed to take her on a date?

What if I stood up for her?

What if anyone, for that matter, stood up for her?

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