Chapter eleven

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As soon as I walked into the cafeteria for lunch I was shoved against a wall.

"You little whore." The infamous Ace's voice boomed, everyone in the cafeteria going quiet so they could listen and watch.

Like always.

No one ever helps me when stuff like this happens.

And not just to me.

To the others that get bullied, everyone watches. They're all too afraid to do something.

"You're not going to get away with this," Ace said.

"With what?" I said, confused.

That got me a hard slap across the face.

Ace is beginning to get way more violent.

"You know what!"

"Ace, I really don't."

A punch in the stomach.

I fell to the floor, hoping for it to swallow me.

I huddled into a ball, holding my stomach.

"Little bi—"

He was cut off.

When I looked up, he was in a fight with someone else.

"It's time you pick on someone your own size, Ace."

I knew that voice.


"Tyler stop!" Sara yelled. "Tyler!"

I got up and helped Sara pull Ace and Tyler away. I pulled Tyler while she pulled Ace.

"I will finish you, Anna," Ace said harshly as he ripped from Sara's hold.

"F*ck off Ace! You're obviously only picking on her because you know she can't fight you. There's no competition for you."

"Why don't you f*ck off, Tyler. She can save herself," Ace replied.

I just noticed I still had a hold on Tyler. I released him and straightened myself.

But then Tyler tried to swing at him again, so I grabbed him.

"Tyler!" I said.

"Anna, let me go. Someone needs to teach Ace here a lesson."

"No Tyler, he's right. I can save myself. Let it go."

Ace smirked at my statement.

I nodded towards Sara and she quickly twisted his arms behind his back and pinned him.

I walked up to him and got dangerously close.

"Us gurls are a lot stronger than we look," I whispered right before I balled my fist and swung at him as hard as I could, landing it right on the side of his face. Then I proceeded to put both my hands on his shoulders and knee him where the sun doesn't shine.

He fell to the floor and Sara released him.

Tyler grabbed my hand and we began running, with Sara right behind us.

When we got to the lockers we all laughed.

But I couldn't laugh for long before I had an aching pain in my stomach.

Clenching it, I cringed.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tyler asked, placing a hand on my cheek.

"I will be," I said.

"I'm gonna go," Sara said.

I nodded in response.

Tyler and I still stood there, in the same position as before, staring at each other.

The bell rang and we were broke of the trance.

I fake coughed to try to break the tension.

"Uh, I have to get to class," I said before turning away.

Tyler gently grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"Hey, we're going to the tracks tonight. You should come," Tyler suggested.

"Sure. Pick me up at 8?"

"Yes," he smiled.

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