Chapter nine

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"2 million dollars will be given to Anna when she turns 18," the judge said as we stood in the court room.

My father died without a will. Coralie wanted all his money, like expected. I refused. So Aunt Billie set us a court date to have a judge sort it out. My aunt had to do it because I wasn't old enough to contest the will.

"Coralie will be given custody until Anna becomes of age. Which is in 6 months, correct?"

I nodded.

"Okay. His house will be willed to Anna, Coralie gets all the cars and the rest of his money, which is 7 million. Anna, the way you explain in this report is that you no longer want Coralie living in your fathers house?"

"Yes your honor."

"She will be evicted on your birthday."

"Thank you, your honor," I said, deep down I was happy.

But Coralie, she looked mad.

"Case closed," He said and slammed the Gavel down.

It's been a few weeks since my fathers death, by the way. My Range Rover was fixed. My fingers though, are still in a cast.

Tyler, Sara, and I have gotten so much closer. They've been with me through all of it.

One night I was a complete mess


The rain started to slightly drizzle as I stood at the Evan's door.

I hesitated to ring the bell but I did.

"Anna," Tyler said, looking as if he seen a ghost when he opened the door. "Sara isn't here."

"I need someone," I said as my voice cracked horribly and I let the tears flow.

I couldn't stop crying. I fell onto their porch. Not even a second later Tyler was sitting on the porch floor with me, holding me, while I cried.

"Shhhh, it's okay," he said as he rubbed small circles on my back with his thumb.

After a good 20 minutes of crying and getting a cold, Tyler picked me up.

He took me inside and sat me down at their kitchen bar.

"I'll make you hot chocolate. Hot coco always makes me happy," she said and his beautiful smile appeared on his face.

I smiled but didn't stop crying. The tears has lightened up a lot. But they hadn't stopped.

He handed me the glass of hot coco and then proceeded to put whipped cream on it.

"Here," He said and smiled.

"Thank you," I said with a weak voice.

"No problem," he whispered.

He sat contempt and watched me drink. We made small talk. It was nice. But it wasn't enough to take my mind off of the death of my dad.



"NOOOOO!!" Coralie shouted.

We were now home. At my house. She yelled at me.

"This house is mine and I will made sure it is. I will kill you just like I killed your pathetic father."

I gasped, "What?"

"That's right. I hired a hitman. He same into the hospital and killed only one person. Your father. How does it feel having no parents," she mocked.

"You're a b*tch. And you'll pay for this."

I ran to my room.

And cried.


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