Character Contest!!! (Closed Now)

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Hey mah peepz! I can't really do anything too major today because I have an Earth Science essay I have to do today and it is due tomorrow! But I thought I'd go ahead and get a character contest over with. I might add another on later if I feel it is needed. Enter the following in the comments to be entered in the contest:


Wattpad name:

Real name:

Hybrid (Try not to do a hybrid I already have):

Hybrid name:

Power (the power has to associate with the hybrid. If you need an example, look at the previous chapter):

Bio (Only do this one if you don't want me to do it for you): 

If you are confused by any of these or don't feel comfortable with any of these, personal message me and I will help you work it out. I hope you enter and have fun! The next update will include the winner's bio plus two other surprise ones. Thanks for readin' mah peepz!

This has been punken316! (Also let me know if you want to know my real name cause I will reveal it in the next update if you want me to.)

Stay sweet mah friendz!

Type to ya'll later!

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