Chapter 7: The Second Transformation

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Hey mah peepz! This chapter might be kinda short only because of my goal. But hey! I’m almost there! One more chapter and that is reserved for my new book. More info at the end. Enjoy!

(Jordan POV)

More guards walk in. They are going for Jerome now! No! I will not let another friend disappear on me!

I let the rage monster take over this time. My skin turns to back scales and my eyes turn red. I yank on the chains once and they break with a loud clink.

The guards turn around and their eye sockets widen. I give an evil grin and run towards them. I take them both out in a couple of hits. I turn around and see Nightmare Notch standing behind me. He gives me an evil glare and everything goes black.

(Jerome POV)

I watch as Jordan, or rage Jordan, tackles the guards and knocks them out in a couple of hits. He turns around and sees Nightmare Notch give him an evil glare. Then Jordan crumples to the ground.

He looks at me with an evil grin. He snaps his fingers and I am teleported into a white room. Well, not entirely white. There is blood at the bottom of a metal table in the middle of the room.

I hear the sound of teleporting. I turn around and there he stands, my little brother. “Jasen!” I yell. He turns around. “Jerome!” he yells back.

While we are hugging, they rip him out of my grasp and throw him on the table. “NO! Jasen!” I scream. Something hits the back of my head and I black out.

-the next day-

I wake up and find my body covered in fluffy brown fur. I look next to me and see Jasen.

He sits up abruptly and looks at me with wide eyes. “Wh-what happened? Wh-where are we? Wh-what am I ?!” He yells as he looks at himself, which he looks similar to me.

“Shhhh. It’ll be ok little bro. Everything will be ok.” I calm him as I hug him.

I look to my other side and see a book. I pick it up and read it aloud, “You are bacca hybrids. Your new names are JeromeBacca and JacksonBacca. Your cell is Jungle-like because that is a bacca’s natural habitat.”

What will my friends think of me now?

(Jasen POV) (Try not to get Jasen and Jason mixed up although you should be able to tell the difference because of their hybrid forms)

What will my friends think of me now?

(Quentin POV)

I have been informed by a book that just appeared in my hands that my new name is QuentinMudkipz. It’s kinda catchy . . .

How are ya today?

I’m good. I would like again to apologize for the short chapter. But it is only due to the fact that I am working on a new chapter for my new book.

It is called An AntSparklez Story. You can find it on my page or look it up on the discoverz!

On the side or above this is the before and after of Jerome and his brother. The first one is Jerome and the second one is Jasen or Jackson, whichever you want to call him. Thanks for readin’ mah peepz!

This has been punken316!

Stay sweet and keep readin’ mah friendz!

Type to ya’ll next time!


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